We live in a time and age where sharing information about our personal lives is very common, and especially through social media. However, a relationship should be treated a little more different from other life situations. Committed relationships are all about trust, therefore, some things need to be kept under wraps.
You don’t know how far these secrets will reach and how many other ears will hear them. Trust is hard to gain back once it’s been broken, so below are five things you should never share about your relationship.

Most couples experience disagreements every now and then, and some issues are more serious than others. A common thing that some couples do nowadays is air each other’s dirty laundry online when they get into a fight.
Worst still, they publicly reconcile and act like nothing ever happened, leaving the rest of us with the memories, and screenshots, of intimate information that they shared while they were going neck-to-neck.
Your girlfriends and social media followers are not your therapists and some situations can be worsened if you’re given the wrong advice. If you and your partner are having issues, you are better off seeking professional help or dissolving the relationship.

Sharing your secrets with another person requires a great deal of trust. The fact that your partner is open enough with you to share personal information about themselves shows that they value you enough to be vulnerable with you.
These very details should remain with you, especially if your partner requested that you don’t tell anyone else what they just told you. Don’t betray your lover’s trust by telling another person their secrets, let them do it themselves so that you’re never to blame.
Bedroom detailsYour intimate life is personal, and what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. Your partner probably doesn’t want your friends knowing the raunchy things they do and start viewing at them in a different light.
Some people have a hard time containing their excitement when their intimate life is flourishing, but this can actually jeopardise a union. If things are too good to be true, tell your partner how amazing they are instead. Besides, you might make some of your friends jealous and want a piece of what you’re enjoying.

Financial details pertaining to your relationship should be kept off the streets. Whether it’s an abundance of money or a lack of it, this should only be the business of you and your partner. Money is a very touchy subject to discuss because other people can use your financial situation against you at a later date.
Also, sharing how rich and prosperous you and your significant other are can expose you both to theft. Keep all financial details off social media and away from conversions with your friends. Sort out any issues privately or seek the advice of a trained professional.

More people don’t get along with their in-laws than you may think. Some families have a hard time accepting a new family member so it’s not always guaranteed that the transition will be smooth.
Family issues should remain within the family. Talking negatively about your partner’s family to outsiders is detrimental to your relationship. At the end of the day, your other half’s family will always be their blood so avoid trash-talking them to other people and to your partner.
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