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Help for Consolata pupil in viral foul video

 Blurred image of the Consolata School pupil (Courtesy)

The pupil from Consolata School in the self-recorded foul video is undergoing counseling, Kenya’s self-proclaimed moral police, Dr. Ezekiel Mutua, has said.

While speaking to a local media house, Mutua said that the minor will not be subjected to police interrogation and instead, the class seven pupil, together with his cousin, are being given counseling support to help them deal with their emotions.

“The matter was brought to our attention and we launched investigations. I have been in touch with the parents of both sides and the different government agencies to see how we can handle this issue. Initially, the approach of the police was an interrogation, but we said no. These are minors, we first need to protect their privacy,” Mutua said.

Expounding on the matter, Mutua called on parents to be vigilant of what content their children get exposed to even as they support Kenya Film and Classification Board (KFCB) in regulating what is distributed and consumed by children in the country.

“Moral values are the basis of national development and societal stability. The kind of media our kids are being exposed to whether online, TV, Radio or print media will shape their values.

“We must go back to the basics and have a national conversation on moral values. Let's do it for our kids and our future. Say no to dirty content!” Mutua had earlier opined.

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Over the weekend, Kenyans had to deal with the discomforting self-recorded clip of the pupil hurling obscene words at a schoolmate who had allegedly spread rumours that he was gay.

Shared on the boy’s Instagram account, the video became the topic of discussion across various media platforms as Kenyans expressed shock at the pupil’s vile rant.

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