Is there such a thing as a perfect relationship?
When you can come home to or visit someone and you feel like you can be yourself.
That you can be open and honest. That you can pour your heart out to them.
That you can agree and disagree, agree again and then move on without grudges.
That you can respect each other and are kind and considerate to each other.
That you have a few different interests, but there are many things you enjoy doing together.
And that you support each other; you make sacrifices to help the other person achieve something, give words of encouragement and show excitement for new opportunities.
Not many people will claim these things for their relationships with their romantic partners and probably not with their best friends. Even fewer will claim it with their bosses and teachers.
The perfect relationship doesn’t even exist with our parents, the two people who are your own flesh and blood. And yes, not even with our mothers.
The truth is, all these relationships have one thing in common – that they are between two human beings. Yes, the very same human beings who are known to err.
The beauty of relationships is in their imperfection. The uncertainty of relationships is food for spiritual growth. It is how we learn to appreciate the joy and happiness that a relationship can bring. Without uncertainty, we would take our loved ones for granted.
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