The beautiful, intelligent and highly talented Pierra Makena needs no introduction. She is one of the best female Djs in Africa and a seasoned actress with a Nollywood award. She recently added the new title of mother to her name after having a beautiful baby Girl, Ricca Pokot. Her love for motherhood is amazing and inspiring.
Congratulations on being a new mom. How is your experience so far as a new mother? Anything different than you thought it would be?
It's not easy as people think. Sleepless nights
What were your first thoughts and feeling when you saw your baby for the first time?
Damn, I'm a mum! To the cutest baby ever. The feeling was just tears of joy. I was too excited.
What went through your mind?
Will I be a good mum?
How is motherhood so far?
Loving it. Can't trade it. It's the best thing that happened to me
What was the inspiration behind your daughter’s name?
I needed something I own. Special and that speaks life to my baby
How are you able to balance work and motherhood considering you are a celebrity?
It’s easy: motherhood is my priority. Work comes second. I ensure my baby is OK and comfortable before I go to work. I give my work my all and a little extra then run back home. I work from home sometimes. Or I take baby to work too. My personal life is different from my celeb life
What is one thing she does that makes you laugh?
So many things. She kisses me on the lips when I sing for her
What advice would you give a young single mother dealing with a baby daddy who's more of a father than a dad?
Do what makes you happy but never neglect your child. Adjust your life to fit in the baby and work like you are alone. If he mans up well and good, if he doesn't then you will be OK. Allow God to assist you because children belong to God.
It's said if you want to know your true friends have a baby ? did this happen in your life and how were you able to handle some of your friends not being part of your journey.
Shedding is the best thing that can happen to a person when you get to know your true few friends, it's the best feeling ever. But with all others we just say hello and I know that's about it, it does not go deeper. So I'm glad I sieved my friends during that time and now I have real reliable and loyal friends
What is your biggest wish for your daughter?
That she will grow to know that she is very loved and to grow to be a great person in the world.