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First Lady Margaret Kenyatta to get award in South Africa for Beyond Zero

Achieving Woman
 First Lady Margaret Kenyatta joins other dignitaries and delegates at the official closing ceremony of the annual Stop Cervical, Breast and Prostate Cancer in Africa (SCCA) Conference,

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta will be awarded for her efforts in the fight for better health services for women.

The Association of Health Professionals will honour Ms Kenyatta with the Fellow of Honoris Cusa award in an event to be held in Cape Town, South Africa. The award recognises her commitment to maternal and children's health in Kenya.

The award from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) also appreciates her efforts towards the reduction of mother-to-child HIV transmission under her innovative Beyond Zero initiative.

During the event, the First Lady will deliver a keynote address to thousands of internationally recognised medical professionals from 77 countries, 26 of them from Africa.

RCOG awards the Fellowships of Honoris Cusa in recognition of the work of individuals who are not members of the global association but have contributed to the advancement of obstetrics and gynaecology, women's health services or its work.

Most of the awardees are clinicians who have demonstrated great commitment to the gynaecology and obstetrician specialty.

But RCOG also awards individuals who are not clinicians but who have distinguished themselves in promoting women's health either nationally or internationally.

The First Lady's nomination was proposed by Justin Konje, the African representative on the RCOG Council.

"You should continue championing the cause of women in Kenya and indeed anywhere," said Prof Konje in a letter to the First Lady.

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