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Don't be lied to, men love natural hair


The natural look has been trending and it looks like it will be here for long. From fashion magazines, to celebrities, natural hair is the in thing. However, we realised there are a few misconceptions about natural hair and here is what we think.

It’s unmanageable: They say you won’t manage to comb natural hair without pain. Natural hair is easiest to manage when you have proper knowledge.

Spraying a mixture of glycerine and water on your hair before combing works wonders. Simply keep it moisturised, conditioned and seal it with the right oil. Whether natural or relaxed, both types can suffer breakage if not properly maintained.

Public perception: Some people think they will be treated differently if they go natural. You may receive compliments from strangers. Go girl, rock it if you look good in it.

Men hate it: Where? Many natural women say they attract more attention from men when they go natural. Men tend to dislike weaves and wigs and they love women with natural hair. Your choice to go natural or not should not be based on what others think. Do it because you love it.

It will be stunted: They say natural hair does not grow but all hair grows whether natural or chemicalised. The fact that natural hair shrinks a lot, especially when washed, does not mean it does not grow.

It is very strong: Many assume that kinky hair is the strongest, so they run the comb through it without realising they are breaking it. The hair requires TLC. The tight curls that make it coil should not be mistaken for strength.

The hair should be moisturised regularly. Otherwise, it will break. In fact, research has shown that the tighter the curls, the weaker it is.

Doesn’t look good: Think of the celebrities who rock natural hair. Aren’t they beautiful? There are very many styling options for natural hair and you will definitely get one that suits you.

You cut it, it grows faster: A lie. Cutting hair or trimming the split ends only makes it hair healthier. It does not speed up growth.

Relaxing it makes it grow faster: Natural hair is curly and when you stretch it, it appears longer. Relaxing it only removes the curls and straightens it, making it appear long. Relaxing also reduces its elasticity, making it susceptible to breakage.

Braids are the best protective style: Braiding and weaving pull the hair, making the strands weaker and prone to breakage. If you must braid, ensure they are not so tight and avoid leaving them on for too long. Moisturise the hair regularly while weaved or braided.

It is unprofessional: From CEOs, teachers to lawyers, many women rock natural hair. As long as it is tidy, it is professional.

Dreadlocks are unhygienic: Whether you wear locks or not, hygiene and cleanliness is personal.

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