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We can’t avoid falling sick, but this is what we can do to counter it


I was recently interacting with pretty young minds, who asked me some really tough questions.

For instance, they wanted me to explain why humans get sick.

You know, why some people seem to be always unwell, while others never seem to get sick. Is it bad luck?

And since science is so advanced, why can’t we just eradicate illnesses altogether and live happily ever after in a disease-free world?

Complex factors are at play when it comes to getting one illness or another. Our planet is full of micro-organisms, some have a symbiotic relationship with us, while others are in existence to cause us harm, or disease in other words.

The environment is full of toxins, some created by human endeavours. The more toxins we get exposed to, the more likely some illness will come our way. Then there are genes. Some genes will prevent us from getting ill, while some will predispose us to certain diseases.

Add our lifestyles into the mix. What we eat, drink and smoke all add up to either creating a disease state, or keeping us healthier. What we do with ourselves is another matter as well. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is likely to expose us to diseases.

 The list of what predisposes us to illnesses cannot be exhaustive, you are free to add anything else you can think of.

The crucial question is whether we can completely shield ourselves from disease. The answer doesn’t need spelling out, it’s a plain no. Unless you lived in utopia! Stuff will catch you unawares, and get you into some unwanted state of being unwell.

It’s difficult to manipulate our genetic make-up with current science, so it’s just a matter of time if you have certain predispositions. But there’s lots we, and you, can do to keep yourself away from disease.

Preventive and pre-emptive measures are our best bet. If we can prevent disease in the first place, then no one gets unwell. You must have heard of vaccines, they are a potent way of preventing disease. Keep yourself up to date with all the recommended ones.

Heard of disease screening tests? They are valuable for detecting early onset of disease and pre-empting advanced stages. Take advantage of screening for cancers, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, among others.

Other measures are just common sense. If something unusual comes up, get it checked pronto. Why tempt disease with smoking, excessive drinking, unsafe sex, etc?

 Why can’t you tame your diet, and watch your weight? It’s not really about bad luck or even inescapable predilection to certain ailments. True, you can never completely shield yourself from disease. But there’s lots you can do to always be some steps ahead of common ailments.

[email protected]

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