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Kinky Christian couple use swinging sessions to preach the word of God



A Christian couple use swinging sessions to preach the word of God.Devout Christians Dean and Cristy Parave are spreading the word of God - through a swinging network they created.

The kinky couple regularly enjoy swapping partners with other couples - and the opportunity to introduce others to their faith.

The exercise-mad couple set up the website, FitnessSwingers.com, in Florida after becoming frustrated with the quality of couples they met online.

Now bisexual mum-of-three Cristy studies the Bible with husband of seven years, Dean, 50, but also indulges in extra-marital affairs with her hubby’s consent.

Cristy, 44, said: “I don’t think God would be mad at what we are doing - at first I was conflicted but the more we looked at it the more it makes sense to us.“Dean and I are both in agreement with this lifestyle, so we’re not committing adultery.

“God put people on the earth to breed and enjoy each other - I feel God is always with me and He has put us here for a reason."The couple met on a dating website eight years ago and Cristy says she knew straight away they would marry.

She has three children from a former marriage, Brittany, 23, Daryl, 20, and 17-year-old Rose.

She said: “I’ve always been adventurous when it comes to intercourse. The intercourse between my first husband and I was miserable.

“I was never satisfied before I met Dean, but now we do it twice a day. It’s incredible.”

The pair, who both compete in bodybuilding competitions, were introduced to the world of sex-swapping parties after a chance meeting in a supermarket.She said: “A couple approached me in Home Depot out of nowhere and asked if we were swingers.

“I was so naive I thought they were talking about swing dancing. I said, ‘I used to love to but my husband doesn’t, I’d love to get him lessons’.“Afterwards we went home and looked it up online and it sounded exciting.”

Not long after Cristy invited a friend over and the two women surprised Dean in the shower.

Two years ago they set up their website and now travel around the States to meet people within the swinging community.

Cristy said: “Both our parents know about it and they are happy for us. When we told Brittany she was not surprised, she knows we enjoy making love a lot.

“Rose knows about the website but we are yet to sit her down and tell her what we do."

Dean, a fitness instructor, was an alcoholic and drug addict before finding Jesus following a drink-drive arrest.

He said: “For me every day used to involve a case of beer and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

“After my fifth arrest for driving under the influence I begged God for help.

“I should have been looking at ten years but the judge sentenced me to just ten months in prison - for me that was a sign.”

After he was released, Dean built a 40ft cross in his back yard and pledged to do the Lord’s work for the rest of his life.

He said: “I turned my life around, began bodybuilding and now I try to live pure. God has put me here to spread his word and our lifestyle community is a great place to do it.

“You can't get closer to someone than having intercourse with them.”




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