The current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has most of us paranoid about contracting it. Signs and symptoms of the disease include coughing, fever and breathing difficulties. Everyday habits that can help reduce chances of infection or spreading the disease include keeping your hands clean at all times, coughing and sneezing into a hankie and keeping your hands off your face.
Taking simple precautionary measures like properly cleaning your house can help keep infection at bay. Below are five essential hygiene items that your home needs.
Antibacterial handwashThis is an essential household item that is worth investing in. You should always wash your hands before, during and after cooking, after using the bathroom, before and after eating, right when you step into your house after being outdoors and every other time your hands may need a wash.
In order to properly wash your hands, you need to wet them with clean water, apply the hand wash and massage it between your fingers, your palms, the back of your hands and underneath your nails for at least 20 seconds before rinsing.
Antibacterial cleaning sprayAn antibacterial spray is an essential kitchen must-have. The kitchen is where food is handled so it needs to be a sanitary environment. Before and after you cook, spray and wipe your kitchen surfaces and appliances with an antibacterial spray in order to kill disease-causing germs.
You should use this same spray in other areas of your house including your bathrooms, living room, dining room and bedroom. To save money, you can make your own DIY antibacterial spray with 3 cups of water and ½ cup of white vinegar. Pour it into an empty spray bottle and you’re good to go!
Rubber glovesGloves are ‘handy’ when it comes to regular house chores. Be it washing dishes, scrubbing toilets or simply taking out the trash. They create a barrier between your hands and dirty surfaces that you regularly come into contact with.
Boxed tissueThese are convenient because they can be put in different areas of your home. If anyone is ever in need of some tissue to sneeze into, cough into or wipe their nose, it will be much more convenient for them to use tissue that is in close proximity than having to go the bathroom each time they need some.
Doing this will encourage you and the people you live with to avoid using their hands to wipe parts of their face that are vulnerable to the Coronavirus through direct contact.
Wet wipes, hand sanitizers and pocket tissuesAntibacterial wet wipes and sanitizers are great for use inside and outside the home. Having these readily available in the house for you to carry whenever you leave your home will help you keep bacteria and viruses at bay whenever you don’t have access to soap and water. Pocket tissues are portable and come in handy for times when you sneeze or need to wipe your nose.
It’s also important to use the above products after being in direct contact with people so that you don’t contract anything that is harmful to your health. Good hygiene should be practised inside and outside your home.
What are you currently worrying about?