Sofa sets are some of the household items that get dirty easily. Chip crumbs find their way into the cracks, drinks get spilt, and pets leave mud tracks all on furniture surfaces. Do not panic, all you need is a bit of time and some great cleaning supplies. Couches and sofa sets come in different shapes and materials. Here is how to wash them efficiently:
Identify the fabric
To start with, figure out the fabric that the sofa set is made of. Most furniture have a tag that can help you to identify the type. Remember, some sofa set and couch fabrics have removable and washable cushions. You can easily clean cotton-blend or linen sofa sets with natural ingredients.
Couch grooming
Prepare your couch or sofa set for grooming by using a clean and dry white hand towel or washcloth to brush the entire piece of furniture. Break up any dried-on spots using a brush. Avoid using colored towels or sponges as the dye may alter the color of your couch.
Deep-clean the sofa
Sprinkle the entire couch with a good heap of baking soda to release lurking smells. Then, allow the baking soda to sit on the couch for 20 minutes to one hour before vacuuming using a brush attachment.
Lingering stains
Now take a closer look at the couch to find if there is any lingering stains. Mix together the easy-cleaning solution and do a fabric test and discoloration on unseen locations. Dip the washcloth in the cleaning solution, and gently dab and rub stains or use it for wiping down the entire couch.
Allow the couch to dry
Allow the couch to dry and touch up as needed. This method is safe for fabrics.