Breathing in and out can be therapeutic and healing to the body (Image: Shutterstock)

Rarely, if ever, do we think about breathing. It is so natural and easy unless you have a stuffed nose and battling a terrible flu only then will you appreciate the ease at which you breathe in and out.

Your life literally depends on breathing.

And this is by no means an exaggeration but a fact.

Breathing correctly and taking a few minutes off your day to do some breathing exercises will have massive benefits on your overall wellbeing.

It is very therapeutic and healing to your body with effects felt almost immediately.

However, how well do you take care of your lungs and body? If you’re smoking, inhaling pollutants and not engaging in regular aerobic exercises, you are doing an injustice to your body at your own detriment.

Below are a few reasons why you need to start taking a deep breath:

Helps you sleep better

If you suffer from insomnia or other sleep related problems, a simple breathing exercise before bed can help you fall asleep better and foster.

Slow, deep and long breaths help your body to detoxify and sends a signal that helps your mind to calm down.

Relieves pain

When you’re in a happy state, your body releases feel good hormones. These endorphins boost your mood and act as a natural pain reliever.

Before you know it, you will realize you’re in a much better state. To increase the secretion of these hormones, you may want to practice a breathing exercise for an extended period of time.

 Breathing exercises help you release toxins and carbon dioxide from the body (Image: Shutterstock)
Improves immunity

When you breathe in, you take in oxygen and when you breathe out, the toxins in your body and carbon dioxide are released.

When your blood is fully oxygenated and clean, it helps keep infection causing germs away from the base strengthening your immunity. This also helps your body recover foster and absorb nutrients.

The occurrence of certain diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and depression are also lowered since your body is at a much calmer state.

Reduces inflammation

Many diseases like cancer thrive in acidic bodies. And as you can imagine, the foul state stress normally leaves you in causes acidity in your body.

By doing certain breathing exercises, this triggers a powerful cooling effect in your body. This helps you to stay calm by bringing down those agitated emotions thereby making your body alkaline and thus reducing inflammation.

It helps you calm down

The key to wellness is living a balanced life where your body and mind are in no stressful condition. When your nerves are worked up, the best way to deal with anxiety is deep slow breathing.

According to experts, this allows your body to take in more oxygen by slowing down your heart rate. As a result, endorphins rush through your body sending a signal to your brain to take it easy.

Aids in digestion

Do you have problems with flatulence, constipation, indigestion or any other gastrointestinal issues? Well, your help lies in deep breathing to increase oxygen in your digestive system. The increased blood flow encouraging digestive action which improves your overall digestion and health.