Chilly days are here with us, and that comes with dry air. Dry air causes your skin to dry out and can worsen respiratory symptoms over time.
Controlling indoor humidity can make the house feel warmer and more comfortable. And this is where a humidifier comes in. This portable device turns water into breathable vapours.
You can also use it to scent your home by adding drops of essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus for a fresh scent.
However, because a humidifier atomizes water to generate micro-sized droplets in the air (aerosols), they can potentially distribute any microbial contaminants and common allergens present in that water. So use boiled or distilled water.
Gel socks
Are you susceptible to dry, cracked or callused skin on your feet? Feet rarely get pampered yet they carry us around wherever we go, withstand exercise routines and bear the brunt of holding the body weight as you carry on your day.
This is why they need a weekly pamper session of their own; like a pedicure or if you are one for DIYs, a feet soak in water bath containing apple cider vinegar.
Also get yourself some gel socks. Gel socks have gel lining containing moisturizer oils.
You can wear them to bed and wake up soft heels. Or putter around the house while giving your feet a heavenly treat.