Falling in love is a beautiful thing but staying in love is a whole other ball game not for the faint hearted.
It is not easy.
Relationships need a lot of work, maturity and understanding from both parties involved to make it work. How you started out also matters a lot and will set the tone moving forward.
As with every relationship, the initial stage feels like a Disney fairytale. It is all bliss and your partner can do no wrong before your eyes.
The connection feels natural, the butterflies in your tummy cannot be ignored and just thinking about your partner makes you mushy.
Unfortunately, this romance stage doesn’t last forever and you will go through the rest like every couple does. You will go through the power struggle, stability, commitment then the real love stage.
To survive to the end where you find your soulmate.
Here, we share some tips on how to ace the different stages of a relationship.
The romantic stageAt this point you are high on this person and thinking about them sends electricity down your whole body.
You can’t help but feel giddy every time you are around them and the feel-good chemicals released by your brain trigger all the romantic moments in your favourite movies and those hot scenes you play out in your head when reading those naughty novels.
It is not uncommon for people to start thinking about marriage and kids on the second date because everything falls perfectly into place and they can see no flaws in the other person.
To avoid heartache, you must take things slow and think things through. Be your true authentic self and don’t pretend to like or be interested in things you’re not just to impress your partner.
The power struggle stageOnce you get back down to earth and you start thinking logically, reality starts to hit home. Small things like how he or she chews start to get on your nerves and before you know it you have already had your first official fight.
Gauge how you both handle situations and how effective your communication is. If you cannot overlook certain issues this may be the time to call it quits before you’re both in too deep.
If you and your partner have worked through the crisis stage, give yourselves a pat on the back as you enter the next exciting stage of your relationship.
At this point things are calmer, you are comfortable with each other and you have developed a routine as a couple.
To pull through this stage get to know each other more and meet each other’s needs. Find out what your partner needs from you and work towards making them feel complete.
Commitment stageDespite your partner’s flaws, imperfections and needs, you have decided to stick together despite the challenges.
You have chosen him or her regardless.
At this point, couples tend to move in together, get married and have children. As a couple you must do everything to keep the fire burning and grow the love.
Real love stageThis is what we all look forward to when searching for love. You have finally managed to create something beautiful through the sweat, blood and tears.
You have settled into your love and you work like a well-oiled machine. You are at the definition of two becoming one.
And with all the challenges and struggles life throws at you, you have found ways to overcome. You learn from mistakes and forgive.