Taking your man home can be a trying moment and you might end up being more nervous than him (Shutterstock)

Introducing your partner to your family is a very big step for most people dating as it, more often than not, signifies the seriousness of the relationship.

For ladies, introducing a guy to their family is a great indication that they are settling down and in most cultures this happens when the couple is planning to get married.

Taking a man home is quite a trying moment and it is common to find a lady being more nervous than their man as they hope that he won’t be rejected by the family and only get to see and experience the good side of the family.

If you make the wrong move, this can end up affecting your relationship with your man or with your family. So, you need to be careful how you handle things during this time.

Here are a few things you need to remember when introducing him to your family.

i.He will be nervous

He is definitely going to be nervous and it is normal. It’s up to you to put him at ease, as nervous as you might be. This is not the time to scare him with how tough your dad is because this will only make him feel worse. Reassure him and let him know that he is good enough.

Remember he is not dating or getting married to the whole family but to you.

ii.Don’t overwhelm him

Some of us ladies expect our men to look like a fine piece of gold or diamond and we put so much pressure on them on what to wear and how to speak at the expense of overwhelming him.

Don’t talk about it all day every day for the whole month or week before visiting your family. Give him some breathing space and let him make consultations without you having to impose.

iii.Don’t lie to make him look good

I know you want him to look like the most perfect man who ever walked the earth but even your dad knows that’s not true. Don’t overlie or exaggerate. While there are those little lies you can get away with don’t lie about his career or house or any other big thing.

Remember this is not the first or last time they will meet him. If you decided to settle with him then be comfortable with who he is.

iv.Give him a brief

Give him a brief of what to expect when he meets your family. This will help him prepare for the occasion. Don’t leave him clueless and hanging. Give him important information on your culture, religion, beliefs and family rules. This will help him be able to blend in without any inconveniences.

v.Let him speak for himself

There will be an urge to speak on his behalf just because you think you will be able to present him better than he would, but don’t do this. Let him speak for himself and answer questions without your input or interruption. You will sure end up convincing your family that he is the best guy for you but he will end up feeling inadequate.

vi.Remember he is your choice not theirs

It is important that your family knows that this is not an approval forum but an introduction meeting. This will help maintain boundaries and prevent your family from disgracing your man.

Assure your partner that you have chosen them and that it is not up to your family to change that whichever way.