Stress is part of every relationship and it can hurt even the strongest bonds. Since women and men react differently towards stress, it is prudent to come up with a routine that works for both for both of you.
This is your roadmap to ensuring you keep your relationship at a good balance even when the rubber meets the road
Know when you are stressed
Let's face it, you could be juggling the pressure from work, family and your partner at the same time. You need to keep check of your stress levels. Something as little as your tone when you're speaking to your partner, can guide you. When you get yourself roaring at your partner or getting easily frustrated, it could mean that you are going through a stressful period.
Approach your partner
Being open to your partner is a route towards handling stress better. Consider, for instance, if you are overwhelmed by chores or caregiving your children, it makes no sense to sulk at your partner all day. Instead, reach out to your partner and express your honest feelings. Since it takes two to tango, come up with solutions together.
Listen more, talk less
When your partner is low, be their high. When your partner is stressed up, giving orders and being insensitive will only escalate the situation. Being caring by listening to your partner’s woes and encouraging them to communicate how they're progressing helps clear the tense air.
Come up with a de-stressing routine
Some couples take walks, others go for dates. When handling stress, doing something you both like will pump you up by boosting your oxytocin release which in turn makes you feel better.
Speak to your partner and come up with a routine that makes you relieve the stress together. As a tip, ensure it's an activity that will spur good memories in both of you.
Comfort your partner
Everyone can do with a dose of comfort from time to time. Hug your partner often and give them a kiss as you remind them how much you care about them. Often times, you may get so clouded by the outside world that you forget what it means to concentrate on the energy between you two.
Anticipating stress in a relationship should be normal. As you get to know how your partner expresses and handles stress, you'll work your way up to having a happily ever after.
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