Divorce does something even to the strongest of people and feeling guilty, ashamed and a sense of failure can be debilitating. Whether you’re the one who pulled the trigger on your marriage or not, one cannot help but wonder whether it was the right choice, what will people say, how will it affect the children and the list goes on. Worse still if you were brought up in a religious setting that condemns separation.

No matter the circumstances that brought the union to an end, these are some of the reasons why you should not feel embarrassed.

Remember the reason behind the divorce

Regardless of societal expectations that marriage should be forever, one needs to remember that people change, grow and circumstances change. Is it worth raising scarred children in a two parent home where violence is a daily occurrence or in a single parent household that offers stability? While many may consider some causes of divorce as petty, everyone’s problem no matter how small in your eyes, are still problems and they count.

While it may not be justified to the ‘till death do us part’ campers, only you know why you had to walk away and if it was life and death situation go for it!

You are not the first divorce case

Sadly, half of the marriages end in divorce. While one cannot wade off the feeling of failure when it happens, fact is, no one is immune.

It is not the end of the world

Keep Reading

One of the many reasons people stay in bad marriages is the fear of being alone and starting over. And naturally, fear and insecurity may creep in but life goes on. Latch onto your faith, children, friends and other sources of strength that will slowly but surely help you move on. Before you know it you are smiling again and sharing your experience without any grudges or shame.

Cut your losses and leave the past in the past

Living in what is considered a ‘modern world,’ more people will understand that individuals shouldn’t stay in bad, unhealthy or abusive situations. With that said, cut your losses and hold your head high.

You too matter

Couples give all manner of reasons and excuses to stay in bad marriages which eventually rips you apart with every passing second. But is it worth it? One has to reflect and ask some serious questions. Is your life important? Do you matter to those who genuinely love you? Does the world need you? Once you see your importance and value, there will be no need to wallow in self-pity and shame.