Photo; Courtesy

This week, I learnt that the positive and negative energy trapped in our bodies is called anabolic and catabolic energy. Catabolic energy is generally destructive. It breaks down cells, breaks down bodies and people. All of our negative thoughts are catabolic.

They create negative or catabolic emotions and result with catabolic values and beliefs. Catabolic energy stops us from seeing things the way they are, blaring reality. This energy deprives us of good health and realizing our full potential.

Anabolic energy on the other hand is creative, it is a natural state of our body. It builds cells and helps people grow. They create anabolic emotions, value and beliefs. Anabolic energy heals and enables us to see good in everything, allowing us to feel joyous, contented and enables us realize our potential.

Despite the push and pull of both catabolic and anabolic energy, we have the ability to make meaning to our environment and create the energy and the environment that we so desire to live a fruitful, fulfilling and happy life. God’s word serves as a plum line as it is full of wisdom, power, and revelation and healing.

Catabolic energy is emotions of anger. Individuals experience anger with a wide range of intensity, from mild irritation and frustration to uncontrollable rage. It is a reaction to a perceived threat of individuals their loved ones, property, self-image or identify. Anger can be both as a result of external and internal influences; it can be expressed, suppressed, converted or redirected.

Abigail had serious anger issues, catabolic energy tensed up every part of her body. Apparently, she had been sexually abused as a young woman by close relatives in her home and kept it a secret all her life. When Abigail was in her late 20s she got into a relationship and became extremely abusive, perpetually cynical and hostile, while on the other hand she was caring, affectionate and considerate.

She seemed to have a personality disorder that threatened her relationship. Her lover who was not willing to let her go persuaded her to seek help, while he supported her. She finally sort help after a fatal incident of physically attacking him.

Abigail’s catabolic energy had exploded, a pathological expression of anger overwhelmed her body simply being a volcano of emotions. Like Abigail there are several individuals who struggle with finding a balance between catabolic and anabolic energy. They lose total control and become dangerous not only to themselves but to those they love most.

It is worth recognizing that as long as this is not addressed the situation becomes worse. This does not need to be the case, you can change the situation and enjoy life to the fullest, by being aware of your situation and working towards self-awareness and consciousness of the self.

According to Bruce Schneider, founder of iPEC when our thoughts are positive or non-judgmental, they result in positive emotions or feelings, as joy or compassion, and raise our energy level. When our thoughts are negative or judgmental, they create negative emotions, as fear or anger, and lower our energy level.

So our energy goes up and down, depending on how we perceive what happens and respond to it. In other words, our energy level is directly related to our perception of reality or to our state of consciousness.


It is not unusual for individuals to transfer imbalanced catabolic energies to people closest to them. Everyone has a past, a past that brings some level of pain, shame, fear, or anger. You are not unique, to this situation what makes a difference is in acknowledging your situation. Awareness is the heartbeat of therapy, and being aware is the first step towards your holistic wellness.

Whatever the past, identify the issues and purpose to work towards emotional health. If there are unresolved issues that hinder your present joy, consider whether it is worth pursuing resolution, whatever you do stay in the present and use the past as a learning experience.