
Sometimes, nature sends you signs that he or she is not the one. Maybe the man talks rudely to a waitress in a restaurant. Maybe she calls you to bring fries or pizza, when she has been lazing in the house the whole day and food is rotting in the refrigerator.

Maybe he raises his voice or his arm to the woman. The signs of a potentially ruinous relationship are always there from the outset.

Rather than listen to your mind, you follow your heart, or more precisely your loins and you end up being burnt or in this deep abyss that you never recover from.

Truth be told, Carol’s weaknesses outweigh her strengths. But you have been putting up with her because she is beautiful.

You have been lightheaded around her. She is aloof, yet controlling. Intelligent, yet unconcerned about what is going on in her life. Sweet, but uncaring. Maybe she is bipolar, or she has some multiple-personality disorder.

You are thinking about this on a Saturday evening as you wait for her. She took the girl to the father. For some strange reason, she doesn’t get along with the daughter. You decide to watch some Netflix flick, Special Correspondents, starring Eric Bana. It looks promising.

It is about an American radio reporter (Bana) and his technician (played Ricky Gervais), who accidentally lose their travel documents and money when they are supposed to travel to Ecuador to cover an uprising.

Rather than face the fury of the boss, they decide to fake the war reporting from a hotel room next to their offices.

When they invent a story of a rebel leader behind the uprising and insinuate that the US government is supporting him, the US government starts looking for them, so they have to actually go to Ecuador where they get kidnapped. Gervais’ wife, played by the incredible Vera Farmiga, takes the chance to fundraise for their ransom and kick start her singing career.

She does an incredible job of a selfish wife who shamelessly uses the misfortune of her kidnapped husband and her reporter colleague to enrich herself.

When the two decide to actually leave to Ecuador, they first sneak into Gervais’s house to steal the donations but the wife busts them and they decide to share the money half-half, so that they don’t expose her fraud or she exposes them.

When the two get to Ecuador they are actually kidnapped and they are asked for ransom. The kidnappers call the wife who says she has nothing to give, they can kill them. This is the moment of truth for her husband who loves her so much.


When they get back, Gervais leaves her for another colleague who really loves him for who he is. It is not exactly a good movie, but it reveals a great deal about human nature. You see a lot of Carol in Farmiga. Carol is very self-centered. Very. She doesn’t even like her girl. Is that what you want to settle down with?

What you have increasingly observed, if there will come a day, that carol feels like she is done with you, she will just leave. Period. Was this movie giving you a sign? Reminding you not to be too caring for Carol or the baby? Listen to your heart as opposed to your mind, songs tell you.

Easier said than done. But her treatment of her child has revealed a really darker side of her. Time to rethink the whole relationship.
