I knew there was only one place I could get an ice cold ginger ale in the middle of a hot afternoon (Image: Shutterstock)

It was on a hot day during my first trimester of pregnancy 10 years ago. As a first time mother, I was just getting over the horrors of the first two months when I had suffered from lack of appetite, food aversions, constant headaches and bouts of nausea. I therefore welcomed the next stage which seemed to be strange cravings.

And so on this particular day, it was a lazy Friday afternoon at work. Most people had left for home but I was lingering a little longer in case someone needed me. And then suddenly it hit me. I desperately needed a soda. In fact, nothing else but an ice cold ginger ale.

By the time I shut down my computer and gathered my things, the urge had become so strong that I practically ran past the reception, out the door and into my car. I knew there was only one place I could get an ice cold ginger ale in the middle of a hot afternoon; Nairobi West. The idea was to grab one and head home, settle on the sofa and sip it slowly as I caught a movie.

When I got there, I walked into a supermarket and asked the attendant, “uko na ginger ale baridi?” When he shook his head, I ran out without uttering a word as if something was chasing me.

I walked into two or three more mini markets and shops, asking the same question before it occurred to me that I was probably looking in the wrong place. The only option left was to walk into a pub.

In the first pub, the attendant looked up in surprise when a woman walked into the establishment in the middle of the day. “Uko na ginger ale baridi?”

“Hapana but tuko na warm,” I frowned and walked away without a word. Again, this was the answer I got for the next ten or so pubs I visited (extended my search to Madaraka) until finally, someone said. “Ndio tuko nayo.”

By that time, the craving had grown so strong I couldn’t wait to drink it so I said, “fungua!” and I drank it all there and then. And then I figured I’d like some more so I gathered as many ginger ale drinks as my hands could carry.

When I got home, I stashed the bottles in the fridge and settled down for a nap. When I woke up, I remembered my precious ginger ales and opened the fridge door.

Suddenly, the sight of the green soda bottles was so vile, I could not imagine ever drinking their contents again. In fact, the aversion was so strong, I had to get someone to come and take all the untouched bottles away.

So much for an afternoon spent going from bar to bar.


Christine Koech, Editor, Eve

What could you talk for 30 minutes about with absolutely no preparation?