The Greek goddess of love is symbolised by a white rabbit. Her high reproductive nature is coupled up with the beliefs of agility, shyness and elusive ability.

Just how a successful relationship has been elusive for me; let me tell you why.

I have been wooing a pretty young lady called Hildah since the start of this year. Okay, 2020 is not exactly the year when resolutions are being achieved but that’s not an excuse.

Hildah is a professional photographer, singer and online content creator. These roles give her a busy itinerary, so getting her to squeeze in a date with me is an achievement, and that achievement occurred for me last weekend.

I couldn’t possibly manage a dinner date in a five star hotel so I chose a decent restaurant whose bills were not exactly low but would do for two people, assuming that none of them wouldn’t order any exotic dishes. A few texts with directions and Hildah promptly announced, “we are at the gate.”

Now, my excitement of meeting her made me miss the word ‘we’ as I dashed from my table towards the gate with strict instructions to the restaurant waiter to reserve the table for me for a few minutes.

At the restaurant’s gate, I met a quartet of girls. There was Bonareri, slightly tall and slender with a heavy British accent. I couldn’t understand most of what she was saying.

Then there was Fridah, plump with a high-pitched laugh that was loud enough to awaken the dead. Then Edwina, a bit calm and quiet but she spent most of the time taking selfies with pouted lips.

Finally, of course, was Hildah, leading the pack and directing her friends to meet her other ‘friend’. I failed to notice that she actually referred to me as a friend because, at that time, my mind was preoccupied with how I was going to play host to a mini-choir in a town restaurant.

And playing host had financial implications because these ladies’ chose expensive dishes. There was milkshake, fresh juice, and marinated chicken and grilled Irish potatoes.

At some point, I thought of quietly sneaking out and calling it quits with romance but I reckoned that would be unmanly. So I ordered a cold soda for myself and sipped it as the day wore on.

As expected, the date didn’t go down well because there was no one-on-one time between Hildah and I. The four girls spent most of the time catching up with each other.

I only featured as a minor character, responding to such useless questions as, “how soon do you think schools are opening?”

All this, plus the reality of paying bills for four girls left me reconsidering my intentions of making it long term with Hildah.

To any woman reading this, next time you are invited out for a date, please go alone!

@aseri-the-prince on twitter

International Literacy Day is coming up. When was the last time you read a book?

Man Republic;Dating;Relationships;Romance