Sure, some of us can be borderline idiotic, but women can really get on their men’s nerves. The women’s habit of asking his opinion on how she looks every time she wears a new dress or while going out with him on a date is a tad annoying. The poor man is caught in a trap because no matter what he says, she’s not going to believe it. If we give an honest and innocent but solicited opinion about the size, we are damned, if we lie we, too, are damned. Women! Women! Women! Please, give us a break. We have bought you large mirrors and affixed them on the bathroom walls so that you can do a self-evaluation of your body, but you still have to torture us. Seriously? God is seeing you.
I once read somewhere that it is scientifically proven that women talk nearly twice as much as men in day. But her habits of constantly talking and especially telling him too much about her friends, their secrets, and their partners and what great couples they are. Men find this annoying because they don’t have anything to do with these secrets about her friends. Seriously, if Brian and Jade are planning to have a baby or paint the baby’s bedroom pink, how does that information help me to pay my bills?
Another thing that most women must drop and drop soonest, is the reluctance to give suggestions of evening or weekend plots. She will not give ideas on which entertainment spot to go to or which movies to watch. But if the man does what a man must do and makes the decision on her behalf and then it turns out the movie or the spot visited was not as good as initially thought, she comes up with blame-game. She could have avoided all this had she come up with her choice. If you choose to keep quiet, please keep your peace.
However, ladies for all the flaws that your current man may have do not break the cardinal rule of comparing him to your ex. Let by-gones be bygones. No one likes to be compared to their partner’s ex. But most women usually do this, especially when they are upset about a similar situation they may have encountered in their previous relationship.
Any responsible man will not even dare dwell too much on his past car once he sells it. Comparing it to his new ride feels like he is cheating, and therefore prefers not to compare the two cars even though the latter is usually an upgrade of the former. So if we men cannot compare our ‘ex’ cars with the ones we are driving, how dare you compare me with your former boyfriend? A scandal!
Another confusion that women bring in a relationship is to constantly pester the guy to save money or to invest in something for their future. When the man applies himself to the task and puts in an elaborate saving measure, which obviously means skipping a good number of luxuries, she turns around and says you are mean.
Honestly, how do you expect us to save for that golden moment in our sunset days, if you want the latest phone model, the most expensive perfume, and the most exorbitant shopping malls and holidays every three months to some archipelagos goodness knows where? We cannot progress that way. As a certain wise man said, ask questions whose answers will not break you.
Two wise sayings would help those women with such habits understand the way things even out themselves. If you make your bed, you must be ready to lie on it and secondly, you cannot eat your cake and have it! If you do not want to be lied to, then do not ask.