Marcus Olang

Marcus Olang' a former radio presenter is the brain behind Stories of Courage, a platform where people share experiences to encourage and inspire others going through similar situations, SHIRLEY GENGA had a chat with him.

Who is Marcus Olang’?

Marcus Olang’ is, at his very essence, just a man who is trying to live to his best, and give his best in every circumstance.

You left radio a while back, what prompted the move yet your breakfast show was very popular?

It was a situation where we had a difference in our respective vision of the direction of the breakfast show. I was essentially fired for standing by what I believed in – but all things worked together to see me arrive at where I am today.

What did you love most about being on radio?

It was truly an honour knowing that thousands of people would deliberately choose to tune in to my show to start their day on the correct note – because the content I had on my show was always about people, and giving each person a reason to not give up hope on what they desire.

I remember at one point, someone texted me to tell me that listening to the show brought them back from the verge of suicide. So knowing that just one person could have their life changed – that’s what I lived for.

What was the biggest challenge about being on radio?

To be in radio, especially in Kenya, means that your personal challenges must not affect the job. You must be able to separate whatever may be going wrong in your life, and not let it affect your delivery when you go on air. It can be very challenging, but the job must be done at the end of the day.

What do you do you now?

I am primarily a brand experience strategist at EXP Kenya. I’m also a Content Producer – so I help individuals and brands generate content for their websites, YouTube channels, Facebook pages and Instagram accounts.

You also have a new project called Stories of Courage, tell us about that?

It’s a project I do together with my wife, it happens every three months at The Michael Joseph’s Centre where we share the stories of ordinary people who have (and continue to) choose to live courageously – whether it means quitting a job to pursue your dream, or refusing to give up on pursuing your dream job; or leaving an abusive relationship; or battling depression and alcoholism... whatever the situation may be, each and every one of us has a story to tell. You don’t have to be a celebrity or millionaire to be a story of courage – in whatever space you’re in, you are a story.

What was the inspiration behind Stories of Courage?

It started off because we realised that many people are battling different challenges on their own, believing that they are the only ones going through that kind of scenario.

So far the turnout has been good I think it’s because we feature ordinary people not celebrities and so many people can resonate with the stories. On our page on Facebook we reach 250,000 people every week, and this if from people sharing stories which we share online. The next one will be on June 11.

How long have you been married? What do you love most about being marriage?

It’s been over two years now. I love that it has given me a chance to learn a lot more about myself, in ways that I would’ve have otherwise learned. Marriage places you in the unique situation of having to actually deal with yourself, and deal with whatever past wounds that you have, if you truly want to grow and develop.

You have in the past shared about the challenges you faced in your first year of marriage, any advice for couples out there who may be going through the same?

The first year of marriage is never easy for any couple because you enter in with many unattainable expectations; you expect to be the perfect husband and that your wife will be perfect, and that your marriage will be perfect and when that does not happen you struggle.

My advice to nay couple would be to learn your human. There are no universal rules to marriage – that is the greatest lie of today’s society. You have to take the time to truly learn and understand this person you’re with. What they love or hate, for example.

What habits they value and what they can’t tolerate? It’s all in the small things – the little things are what either make or break a marriage. And don’t put pressure on yourselves. You’re both just human beings at the heart of it all. The more you want to be a “perfect” spouse, the greater the risk of you misunderstanding each other.

Away from work how do you relax?

I enjoy music. I love live events, so I look out for spaces where I can sit and listen to some good live music sets – and maybe dance a little!

What do you think is your most annoying habit?

(Laughs) I am incredibly impatient with people- I don’t like having to repeat something I have said.

What do you believe is your best quality?

I’m aggressive and relentless. When my mind is set to something, it will happen – whatever the cost.

Where do you see yourself in next ten years?

My philosophy in life is to always be the best in the present moment. Only when I give my absolute and irrefutable best today am I best positioned to get what ideals tomorrow holds for me. So in the next 10 years, I’ll still be the best at what I do.


main man;marcus olang