Why you should consider getting off social media (Photo: iStock)

Social media platforms thrive on presenting idealised versions of ourselves and others.

Stepping away allows you to break free from this harmful comparison trap and reconnect with your unique value.

One big reason for obsessing over social media is FOMO. The fear of missing out is a real phenomenon fostered by social media. The constant barrage of updates and notifications can trigger anxiety and a sense of urgency even when there is nothing truly urgent happening. A break allows you to de-stress, regain control of your attention and appreciate the present moment. If you have the bad habit of scrolling through your phone before bedtime there is a very good reason why you wake up tired.

The blue light emitted from screens disrupts sleep patterns, thus making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. Scrolling through feeds right before bed can exacerbate this issue.

You will either get too excited or worried about something you had no business engaging in. Before you know it, you have two hours of sleep before your alarm goes off.

Your time is a currency so use it wisely. Regulate social media use so as not to interfere with your natural sleep-wake cycle leading to better sleep quality and increased energy levels.


Keep Reading

If your excuse for being online is to read news and catch up on current matters, refer to traditional media and take a digital break. Newspapers still exist so perhaps you could grab one every morning?

Another reason you want to keep off is to help you reclaim your time and attention. The constant notifications and attention-grabbing content on social media can significantly impact your ability to focus.

By putting that aside you will notice increased productivity and a sense of accomplishment in other areas of your life.

While social media allows us to connect with people online, it can sometimes come at the expense of neglecting real-world relationships.