Know your season to overcome it (Photo: iStock)

The author of the book of Ecclesiastes points out that to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose on earth. A time to be born and die, plant and harvest, kill and heal, break down and build up; weep and laugh, mourn and dance, cast away and gather stones, embrace and refrain from embracing; gain and lose, keep and throw away, tear and sew, keep silence and speak, love and hate. There is a time of war and peace.

The revelation here is that you will find yourself in a season to go forth, grow, fulfil purpose, harvest or reap what you sow. It is important to observe and know the season that you are in. The Bible says, "When the fullness of time had come; God sent forth his son, born of a woman, under the law. To redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons" (Galatians 4:4-5).

Many Israelites were just wandering and wondering throughout the journey to Canaan and some died in that state. It is sad and tragic that some people are living aimlessly and just wondering. Remember that you are not an accident - you have a purpose on earth. You must therefore purpose to maximize on every opportunity that comes your way. Life is difficult and for you to excel, you need to be strong, bold, tenacious and relentless.

Transition is uncomfortable because it is unexpected or unforeseen and thus requires one to reroute and start on a new road. Embrace change fearlessly, with an open mind and stretch yourself to avoid being stuck in the comfort zone or the familiar.

Joshua took over leadership after the death of Moses and had to lead warriors in fighting for what God had promised them. All Israel knew was Moses. He was a great prophet who spoke to God face-to-face on their behalf. Unfortunately, though God had shown him the Promised Land, he never got to enter it. Do not be a person who sees stuff but never gets to handle or experience it.

Moses went up to the top of Mount Nebo but never came down to the plains of Moab. The Israelites waited expectantly for him to bring solutions to their issues. They did not know that he would not come back because he was dead. Stop waiting for things that are no longer viable or beneficial to you and move on with life.


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If Moses had died in their presence they would have had closure. At some point, they had to figure it out that he was dead and move on with their lives. Sometimes you do not need to see it to believe it is dead. Figure it out and bring it to closure so that you do not waste time torturing yourself with expectations.

God allowed Israel to mourn Moses for 30 days. This made it possible for them to get ready to move forward. Stop trying to resurrect corpses and accept that they are dead! I know many charismatic Christians do not mourn the dead. They feel they have too much 'God' to mourn like non-believers. My spiritual father says, "When I die, someone must mourn."

Deuteronomy ends on a sore note. People are sad because of his death and one expects that the book of Joshua would start with counsel and soothing words. Instead, it starts with words of faith - a fresh beginning.

God assures them that all is not lost and they will get to the Promised Land. First, he told them that every place that the soles of their feet will tread on he will give them.

Get ready to tread on and access territories you only dreamt about. "No eye has seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the heart of man; the things which God has prepared for those who love him" (1st Corinthians 2:9). Second, no man shall be able to stand before them all the days of their lives. Do not worry, dignify or answer back your critics. No man shall stand before you to spoil or thwart God's plan concerning your life.

Third, as he was with Moses, he would be with them. God is not a respecter of persons. He does not bless only certain people. If he did it for your father, mother, friends, pastor, sister or brother; he will do it for you too. If he made it possible for you to survive it, he will make you succeed.

Fourth, he would never leave nor forsake them. God will not bring you this far and then abandon or leave you alone. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end. "Be confident of this very thing, that he who begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6).

Living Wellness Mental Health