Breaking the glass ceiling in what has been a male-dominated industry [Courtesy, files Standard]

Rose Koech says that just like her, many young girls are not confident about becoming pilots due to the notion that has been created over the years that 'space belongs to men'. She says there should be more empowerment and mentorship for girls wishing to undertake male-dominated careers.

"I wasn't as confident when I made the first step of enrolling as a pilot student. It was our director, Captain Mark Koross, who helped me overcome my fears by assuring me that flying is a career that knows no gender. Now, having achieved much in this field, I want to go back to my community to mentor other girls and make them realise they can also realise their dreams," says Rose.

 There are about 30 female pilots in Kenya [Courtesy, files, Standard]

When Esther Wambui enrolled to train as a pilot five years ago, little did she know she would have the opportunity to become a teacher as well as a ground instructor.

I didn't realise I would have the opportunity to become a teacher besides being a pilot as is the case now. I feel empowered to be allowed to be an instructor because it allows me to empower other people. I have chosen to learn as much as I can along the way. I started flying as a pilot as soon as I got my private flying license and last year I started teaching incoming students, which is a milestone," says Esther.

These young female pilots believe that in a world where diversity fosters progress and innovation, their training stands at the forefront of change, proving that a diverse and inclusive environment is not just an aspiration, but a catalyst for success in the aviation industry.

For Martha Cheyech, from Pokot, flying has been an empowerment tool that has seen her rise above societal norms and commonly limiting traditional norms.

"I just got my private license. Being in aviation is like rediscovering myself. Five years ago I could see myself married, and if I was to go by the script many girls in my community follow that would likely have been the case. I have so many friends, and age mates, who are now married and happy with children. Not that it's bad but I feel like there is more to life than being someone's wife and mother. It is for this reason that we are here proving that we are the generation bringing change in the aviation sector as well as in our communities," says Martha, sentiments that are echoed by Serene Masudi.

"When people from diverse backgrounds come together, new perspectives emerge, leading to innovation and growth," says Captain Mark Koros.