Understanding the weather helps you dress comfortably (Photo: iStock)

The Weather

The first master of style is and always will be the weather. A good understanding of the weather helps us to dress comfortably. How comfortable you feel in a particular outfit will determine how much you enjoy your day.

Choosing the right clothes will always depend on the prevailing weather in a region. For example, places that experience extreme cold will have little use for flashy, revealing clothing, as their main concern is keeping warm.

Also, reading the weather is not just a regional thing, sometimes it is dictated by the time of day. For example, if you were in a hurry somewhere and it was a bit late in the evening, a heavy woollen sweater would be a fantastic idea to protect you from the biting cold.

 People wear what they feel is most comfortable for the crowd they are going to mingle with (Photo: iStock)

The Crowd

The final master of style is the crowd you are mingling with. People tend to wear what they feel is most comfortable by assessing the level of intimacy they share with the company they are in. Since there are different levels of intimacy, ranging from romantic partners to acquaintances, the dress code adopted will reflect how comfortable you are with each group or person.

For example, while a woman might be comfortable wearing sheer lingerie around her husband, it would be a terrible idea to entertain her in-laws in it.

Similarly, when dealing with older people, more modest outfits are considered appropriate due to the conservative nature of the existing relationship, but with our peers, the fashion sense is more relaxed and playful as they are more cordial and understanding.

Paying attention to these three masters of style will help you choose the perfect outfit for every occasion.

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