Maharagwe ya nazi

Today's recipe is popular in the coastal region and locally known as 'maharagwe ya nazi' or in other words, coconut beans.

This will surely bring back the lost love for beans as a stew since it is a super easy recipe with no complications.

Without further ado, let's get straight into it:


One Cup of pre-boiled beans

One Cup of coconut cream


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Two Tomatoes

One red onion

A piece of ginger root

Three cloves of garlic

cup of corn or Multi-purpose flour

Chili (optional)

Cooking oil



Put some cooking oil in a cooking pot and let it heat up. Add onions and saute until golden brown.

Add the ginger and garlic paste while stirring until the mixture is well combined. Introduce the tomato paste into the mixture, stir and let it cook for a few seconds.

Afterwards, put in the cup of beans, and stir so that the flavour is incorporated into the beans. Once that is done, sprinkle spices, salt and pour in the cup of coconut milk then stir the mixture.

To achieve a thicker consistency, sprinkle some corn or multi-purpose flour on the food. Let it boil until the coconut milk has reduced and the beans are well cooked.

Serve while hot with rice, mahamri or chapati. Enjoy!

Food Nutrition Healthy Eating