A bodysuit to help with painful periods (Photo: iStock)

If you ever sat in a gynaecology clinic, you'd be faced with many consults related to menstrual (or period-related) symptoms. Some women will be bleeding too much, while others will be experiencing terrible cramps and unbearable pain during periods.

Managing menstrual pain can be an arduous task, and women will go through countless painkillers, hormone treatments and other home remedies just to cope. Some may need to take time off work, and their overall quality of life gets disrupted every month.

The search for alternate and effective remedies for period pains is always ongoing. Little wonder there's now a novel bodysuit that is already in the market geared towards limiting period cramps.

The wearable suit works via built-in heat panels in conjunction with electrical nerve stimulation via the skin. The nerve stimulation blocks pain signals reaching the brain, whilst the heat panels soothe the uterus and surrounding muscles. The combination dulls the pain sensation within the pelvis, working similarly to a related device used to control pain during labour and delivery.

Women who have tried the bodysuit have reported an overall improvement in pain intensity during their periods. Many have been able to avoid the use of painkillers. In addition, many have been impressed too by how the bodysuit has been fashioned.

It is trendy and appealing to women, with the battery pack for nerve stimulation fitting discreetly within the bodysuit.


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The overall effect is that the suit looks more like a fashionable item, rather than a wearable medical gadget.

The bodysuit costs some money too, upwards of $200 (about 25,000) depending on where you get it.

There are other competing wearables which work more or less in the same way and are less expensive. The common factor is pain control during periods.

You as the end user can then decide which gadget suits you better. The eventual end goal is to control pain during periods and get away from solely relying on potent painkillers and hormone treatments.

A word of caution though. Anybody with undue pain during periods should undergo a gynaecological evaluation in order to get a specific diagnosis.

Blindly treating pain may sometimes miss serious conditions that may warrant additional tests, and specific interventions rather than just pain relief.

So if you feel compelled to try the bodysuit for painful periods, you should also make plans to see your gynaecologist at the earliest opportunity.

Dr Alfred Murage is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist.

Health Menstruation Living