A cheesy breakfast casserole (Photo: Courtesy)

Today, we make a delicious treat. One that has almost all its ingredients half-cooked; this makes it easy for everyone to make.

Prepare your ingredients the day before, so that the next day you only need to arrange and bake.

What you will need:

3 eggplants, sliced and pan-seared

1 chicken breast, cooked and shredded

3-4 slices of bread, cubed

4 eggs

100g French beans, blanched

1 cup caramelised onions

250g cheddar cheese, grated

250g mozzarella cheese, grated

1 tomato, sliced

1 capsicum, sliced

Salt to taste

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon oregano

What to do:

In a glass casserole dish lay the eggplant on the base and put in the cubed bread. Layer the shredded chicken and French beans.

Now break in the eggs in the mix over the French beans. Sprinkle the caramelised onions, then season with salt and pepper. Throw in the cheese and then garnish your dish with tomato and capsicum slices.

 Sprinkle the oregano. Bake in an oven at 180°C for 30 minutes, or until the cheese crusts and forms a beautiful caramelised golden top. Enjoy hot.