When you persist, you refuse to quite even when the outcome seems likelt to be unfavourable (Shutterstock)

Persistence is the ability to carry on irrespective of the odds. When you persist, you refuse to quite even when the outcome seems like it will not be in your favour. Being persistent is easier said than done so here are some key points to help nurture persistence:

Have realistic expectations

People who quite are those who have unrealistic expectations about themselves or about an outcome. Managing expectations helps manage disappointment.

Prepare for the worst

If you expect your journey to be easy, your enthusiasm will fade at the first hurdle. Preparing for the worst creates mental fortitude.

Have passion

The size of your desire will drive the size of your commitment. Choose goals that are near and dear to you to keep you motivated.

Use obstacles as a stepping stone

Setbacks are merely opportunity to learn and grow so use them to your advantage.