There are those days when your stomach plays ping pong on you (Shutterstock)

There are those days when our stomach starts playing ping pong on us. In these moments, you'll probably have it rumbling or go to the extent of passing excess gas if not constipation.

No matter the experience, there are sure ways that can give you relief.

As a precaution, when you experience a bad stomach day coupled with nausea and headaches, seek medical care.

Here are some simple foods you can try for relief.

Clear soup

Taking a warm bowl of soup will boost your energy levels and give your stomach a good base. Soup that is not heavy on spices is the best to go for.

Ensure that you use plain broth and add in little salt and some onions. As you layer your soup, avoid putting any dairy products like cream as the dairy may work against you.


This lovely, deep orange fruit is one to behold. Slice a ripe pawpaw and eat it whole or as a blended juice.

The papain in this fruit helps to line the stomach and relieve any pain you may be undergoing. It is also perfect if you suspect that you may be constipated.

Raw bananas

Bananas have many uses and can be eaten in a myriad of ways. The raw banana that is green in color should be your new best friend anytime you're having a bad stomach day.

For starters, consuming it gives the body potassium. Raw banana has some essential minerals like iron, folate, and fiber that are beneficial for digestion.

Eating this when slightly boiled with salt will give you instant reiki.


This superfood can be consumed to relieve the stomach upsets and promises perfect results.

You can boil some water and juice some ginger, mix in and drink. You may also put it in a light soup.


Say hello to oats and remind yourself that they aren't only meant for breakfast. Oats are rich in fibre and are easily digestible.

As a result, they are a good addition to your diet and will work magic on your bowels.

Coconut water

Staying hydrated is part of curing your bad stomach day. Aside from the normal water intake, drinking coconut water will do wonders.

The electrolytes present in a cup of coconut water are enough to restore your stomach acid levels to normal.

Next time you have your stomach playing games with you, introduce the joker card by trying any of the remedies. You'll emerge victorious.

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