You don't need an ice cream maker to make your own ice cream (Photo: Shutterstock)

With all that is going on with the coronavirus pandemic, it wouldn’t hurt to have some cheer and what comes close to a rich vanilla ice-cream? Nothing! For me at least. Come rain or sunshine I am never one to turn down a frozen treat.

Now instead of running to the store to stock up, did you know that you can make ice cream at home even without an ice cream maker? Yes, it’s possible and you don’t even need anything complicated to make your own delicious ice-cream.

Thank me later because after this, you will be an ice-cream connoisseur. 

Here’s how to do it.

1. The bag method 

For this technique you’ll need two zip lock bags, whole milk, full cream, sugar, salt, ice cubes and flavoring or toppings of your choice.

Pour some whole milk into a container. Whole milk is better because it will give your ice cream that soft creamy texture. You can still choose to use other types if that’s what you’re comfortable with, but, you won’t have the same creamy consistency.

Follow up by adding cream to the milk. Put some sugar to give your ice cream some sweetness then add flavoring of your choice. You can choose vanilla extract, lemon, strawberry or basically anything you want. Stir it all together and ensure all the sugar has dissolved properly.

Transfer this mixture to a zip lock bag and seal it properly so that you won’t have any spills.

Prepare a bigger zip lock bag with ice cubes and salt then put the ice-cream bag inside this one. The salt is important because it helps maintain that cool temperature. Add some more ice so that the bag is fully covered on all sides and zip the bag.

Wrap the bags in a towel to prevent ice burns then shake the bag vigorously for roughly five minutes then serve with toppings. You can harden the ice cream by placing it in the freezer as well.

2. The two ingredient base method 

For this technique you’ll need condensed milk, full cream, a whisk, and flavoring or toppings.

Start off by mixing your cream with your hand-held whisk or your electric whisk if you have one. When you see that creamy consistency, you’ll know it’s ready.

Next, pour your flavoring and condensed milk into the cream and mix it as well. You should have a thick consistency for your ice cream base. Be careful not to over-whisk it because it’ll affect the consistency.

Once that’s ready, go ahead and pop your mixture into the freezer. Let the ice cream freeze for five to six hours then serve with toppings.

That’s all!

 With just a few ingredients you can make your favourite ice cream flavours (Photo: Shutterstock)

3. Freeze and mix method 

This is the third method you can use to prepare ice cream at home. You’ll need whole milk, heavy cream, sugar, flavor and toppings of your choice.

Start by mixing the milk and sugar. Make sure all the sugar has dissolved properly before moving on to the next step.

Add the heavy cream and flavoring to the milk then mix it all together. Pour the mixture into a shallow dish then place it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Take it out and gently stir then put it back in the freezer. Repeat this two or three times until you get the consistency you want.

Finally, add the toppings of your choice and enjoy your homemade ice cream.

4. Boiling method 

For this one you will need whole milk, milk powder, sugar, cornstarch and flavoring.

Pour the milk into a pot and bring to a boil. Add three or four tablespoons of milk powder and stir on low heat. Add sugar to the mixture and stir until it dissolves.

As it boils on low heat, prepare two tablespoons of cornstarch in a container and add milk. Mix it and ensure you have a smooth water-like consistency.

Pour it into the boiling pot slowly as you mix. Once you have a slightly thicker consistency, let it cool completely.

Transfer your ice cream base to a container and add your flavoring. Cover the container and let it set in the freezer for roughly one hour. The base shouldn’t have solidified.

Mix it for a few minutes and place back in the freezer for six hours before serving.

And that’s pretty much how you make ice-cream all at the comfort of your home. Make it fun and experiment with different flavors and toppings.

Who do you wish would run for president?


Homemade icecream;Cooking Tips;Kitchen Tips