Adjusting to the changes involuntarily and staying sane can be an uphill task (Shutterstock)

Staying at home is proving difficult for most of us considering the fact that our systems are used to a certain routine. Adjusting to the changes involuntarily and staying sane can be an uphill task, especially when you have to stay indoors, day and night.

For your body and system to adjust to these changes, you need to work out a daily plan and possibly make it a routine. By doing this, you will not feel the push to wake up every morning or feel bored staying home.

Here are five ways that can help you stay sane during this challenging coronavirus pandemic period:

Have a schedule

Always plan ahead. Just like when you are going to work, you already know upfront what you are to deliver on and meetings you are going to deliberate on. This applies to when staying home too. Have a planner.

Organize yourself and ensure everyone in the house also have schedules to ensure your plans don’t clash with the rest of the house or you don’t look too busy for everyone else.

Have a morning ritual

How you start your morning plays a critical role in how your whole day will pan out. Having something you look forward to every morning can make you active during the day without even realizing it.

You can schedule a morning jog before everyone else wakes up, or a fitness routine you can keep up with to help you prepare for the day.

Your morning ritual should not be something impossible to achieve or something you have to push yourself to do. It needs to be something you voluntarily enjoy doing. If it is reading a book, you can plan to read a chapter or two every morning.

 Sometimes you just need to take a step back from everything and just reflect on your life (Shutterstock)

Keep in touch with family and friends

This is the time to chat with your friends and family members, you can nolonger just pop in and visit them as you used to. You might not realize it but your family and friends play a key role in keeping you sane.

When you have the freedom of doing something, you never realize it is a privilege until it is taken away from you. Try to communicate as regularly as you can. The feeling might not be the same but at least you will still be able to talk about your favourite topics with them. When you isolate yourself loneliness slowly creeps in.

Be updated on current affairs

Staying home may be a bummer but deep down you know it is for the greater good of everyone to help in flattening the coronavirus curve.

When you are detached from the everyday occurrences it may seem like your days are not moving or quarantine is taking forever. Being updated on issues makes it easier for you to understand how long this issue might take, and your need to stay home rather than relying on hearsay.

However, as much as staying updated on issues is important, be wary of consuming everything on the internet, some of the stories on blogs may be false or lead you to paranoia.

Have some time to yourself

With everything around you stressing you sometimes you just need to take a step back from everything and just reflect on your life.

During this time you can work out a plan on how to do things differently or simply have your glass of wine and relax. Having some time to yourself is independent of all the variables around you. Everyone has their drug and what keeps them sane, you just need to figure out yours.