The most expensive handbag in the world is a Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse. It has held that position in the Guinness Book of World Records since 2011. You can get it for a little (eh...a lot) over USD3.8 million. In shillings, that is 3,800,000 and two more zeros. I’m not going to add them myself because I consider the figure quite vulgar.

Why is the handbag so expensive? Well, for starters, it has 4,517 diamonds and 18-karat gold embellishments. It was also made by hand – for 8,800 hours by the artisans of Emirati, a luxury goods company.

I also think it costs that much because it is a handbag. Would the same size of another random item – say a décor ornament – with the same number of diamonds and amount of gold and man-hours have cost the same? I doubt it.

See, a handbag is a highly prized item. Not only is it a very helpful accessory that can hold lifesaving and life-altering items, it can also represent a number of very important things.

Status. Style. Self-expression. Sanity. Survival.

Ask any woman and she will tell you what her handbag means to her.

One thing is for sure, a woman and her handbag cannot be parted.


My Word;word from the editor;handbags