Menopause for many women begins in the late 40s or early 50s. It usually lasts for a few years but during this time, about two-thirds of women experience symptoms of menopause. These symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability and tiredness.

To help ease these symptoms, there are a number of supplements one can take that may help, including multivitamins. However with so many varieties, the question is always which is the best type that will work for you? 

These recommendations could help guide you on what to use but it is advised to visit a doctor first.

Black Cohosh: Helps with hot flashes

Black cohosh is one of the most studied supplements for menopause. It is made from the root of North American black cohosh plant. A number of studies have found that it helps women in menopause especially with hot flashes. This supplement however should not be used by people who have liver problems.

Flaxseed: Easing night sweats

Flaxseed and flaxseed oil help some women with mild menopause symptoms. They are a good source of lignans, which balance female hormones. A lot of studies have not shown these benefits in relieving hot flashes.

Calcium: Preventing bone loss

Bone loss becomes a serious problem once hormone levels start to drop after menopause. It is important to get enough calcium in your body. Women under the age of 51 need at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. Women aged 51 and older need at least 1,200 milligrams a day.

However it is best to get your calcium from food. If you are in need of supplements to fill the gap, take smaller doses with food during the day, no more than 500 mg at a time.

Vitamin D: Get some sun

Vitamin D is as important as calcium for bone health. Without vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium. Many adults need about 600 IU daily. Adults aged 71 and older need about 800 IU per day. Vitamin D is found in many foods and supplements, and in the sun.

Your body produces vitamin D when exposed to sun but even small amounts of sun can lead to skin damage.

One a Day Women’s Menopause formula

This once a day multivitamin is designed specifically to reduce daytime and nighttime hot flashes, address mild mood changes, and support healthy skin. It contains natural soy isoflavones and key nutrients, including vitamins B-6, B-12, and D, plus calcium and magnesium for bone health and energy.

Rainbow Light Menopause One

This formula contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and superfoods, Menopause One is made to help with hot flashes and night sweats. However, it also may help to boost energy, mood and memory. The supplement features plant-sourced enzymes which are very easy to digest. It has no gluten, wheat, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, eggs, fish, or shellfish.

Ginseng: mood booster

Different kinds of ginseng might help improve quality of life during menopause. Ginseng has proven to boost ones mood and improve sleep quality.

Remifemin Menopause Relief

This soy-free formula mood swings. Apart from mood swings, this supplement is said to reduce other symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, and sleeplessness. The formula contains no hormones, propylene glycol, artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

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