Treat your family to some scrumptious lamb chops this Easter. Marinate them for a few hours and allow the flavours to mingle.

Roast Chicken Ingredients:

1kg lamb chops

4 large onions, sliced

Cooking oil

For the marinate:

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or vinegar of your choice

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 teaspoon mixed herbs

1 teaspoon rosemary

4 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons cooking oil

Salt to taste

Rice Ingredients:

2 cups of rice, boiled

¼ cup of black currants or raisins


1. Prepare the marinate by mixing the vinegar, soy sauce, mixed herbs, rosemary, garlic, salt and cooking oil.

2. Place lambchops in a bowl and leave to marinate for a few hours.

3. In a shallow pan, heat some oil. Fry the lambchops a few at a time. Remove and leave to drain.

4. In the same oil, fry the onion rings until cooked. Remove from the oil and leave to drain.

5. Heat the marinate that remains and allow to cook.

5. In a separate dish, mix currants with the cooked rice.

5. Serve the lambchops and pour sauce (cooked marinate) over it. Accompany with rice and coleslaw.

Easter Recipes;Eve Cooks;Lamb Chops