Body odour has been found to be a major cause of self-esteem as it makes one stand out in a bad way. Body odour comes from different parts of the body since our bodies are made up of live cells.  From the armpits, to the mouth, feet and the genital areas, bad smells can affect you and those around you in many negative ways.

Each person's unique body odor can be influenced by different factors such as the food you eat, your gender, health, and even some medication. Different smells on different parts on your body are caused by different factors and knowing the cause can help you eliminate and manage them.

Some of the common body odours and their possible cause include;

Extra Smelly Sweat

Sweat pores on our skin surface release odourless sweat in a natural process. When this sweat chemically mixes with the health and unhealthy bacteria on your skin, the result is smelly sweat. When you’re healthy, the smelly sweat is not chronic and can be wished away with a quick shower. However, when it becomes extreme like bromhidrosis, you need to check on your sugar intake. Also reduce your intake of choline-rich foods like fish and eggs. Sudden bromhidrosis can also be an indication of an underlying medical condition like a skin infection.

 Bad breath

Having bad breath can drop your confidence level so fast since talking to those around you becomes hard. Bad breath, also called halitosis is commonly caused by accumulated plague on your teeth and gum. Plague collects from the food you consume or poor hygiene. Other causes of bad breath could be gum disease, a dry mouth, sinus infections and diseases in the digestive system. The latter happens because if you have an infection on the digestive track, bad odours will seep up your gut back to your mouth.

Fish like vaginal smells

Normal lady parts naturally have a mild odour since they are home to many healthy bacteria and normal discharge. If however the smell is so strong it reaches people around you, it could be a sign of trouble. One cause of vaginal smells is improper hygiene which happens when you let old discharge accumulate over time. Other causes of vaginal odour are infections, either bacterial, viral and yeast. Contact dermatitis, from harsh cosmetics may also cause you bad odours. Sometimes people have lasting vaginal smells from sperms after having unprotected intercourse.

Extra smelly feet

Just like the rest of our body, the skin of our feet produces sweat which mixes with bacteria to make a smelly result. For feet, it can be slightly smellier especially since feet are closer to dirt than any other part of our bodies. Sweat from feet on a normal day can be washed away once but when it persists with a strong smell it becomes a problem. Wearing tight or ill-fitting shoes confines sweat making it easier for bacteria to smell due to lack of ventilation. Poor hygiene and fungal diseases like Athlete's Foot can also make your feet stink.

Fruity breath

Unordinary breath is not always stinky as sometimes you can a sweet fruity one. While this might not bother you, it could be a sign of hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is High blood sugar that affects diabetic people and could lead to serious complications requiring emergency care if left unattended. When you have hyperglycemia, it causes toxic acids called ketones to build up in your blood and urine. Ketones are responsible for the sweet fruity smell that is ejected via your mouth.

Stinking urine

Your normal urine will have slight traces of ammonia and you can smell it. However, if your urine suddenly develops a strong repulsive smell, you should consider various factors. The common and major causes of change in urine smell include dehydration, pregnancy, diet, medication you’re taking, and the food you consume. Serious problems like kidney stones, liver disease, kidney disease and urinary tract infections can also be a contributing factor.

Hygiene;Body Cleanliness;Body Odour