Five authentically Kenyan breakfast recipes to try this holiday

Holiday season is here and with the family home, you might need to diversify your menu with new recipes. We had a look at the Kenyan Recipe Book 2018 and compiled five of some of the most commonly consumed breakfast dishes featuring a variety of ingredients from across Kenyan communities.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is made of hulled oat grains and groats that have either been milled (ground), steel-cut, or rolled.

Five authentically Kenyan breakfast recipes to try this holiday

2. Sorghum, finger millet and maize porridge

It is rich in nutrients and is enriched with milk. Popular among many households in Kenya as a family dish, the porridge, serves infants/ children.

Five authentically Kenyan breakfast recipes to try this holiday

3. Maize flour porridge

Maize is the most widely-used porridge grain all over though has different names. It’s mostly made for young children in African communities.

Five authentically Kenyan breakfast recipes to try this holiday

4. Mahamri

These are perfect for breakfast with a cup of tea, and go really well as an accompaniment to many meals especially grilled meats.

5. Pancakes

The Perfect Homemade Pancake Recipe is easy to make with ingredients you probably already have on hand. This recipe can easily be turned into a pancake mix or into buttermilk pancakes as well. It's the perfect versatile all-in one recipe.

Recipes borrowed from Kenyan Food Recipes 2018

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