Peer pressure has been defined as the direct influence on people by peers, or the effect on an individual who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual.
Surprisingly, some adults too battle with peer pressure. However, it has both positive and negative effects especially on youngsters that pay an important role in changing their habits.
Here are some facts about peer pressure.
It can affect anyoneJust like I mentioned above, adults too battle with some sort of peer pressure. As human beings, it is normal to want to fit in a certain group or clique in the society. Peer pressure is all about the desire to fit into such groups.
Maximum Impact During AdolescencePeer pressure is at peek during adolescence. As kids try to find their identity in the society, they become more vulnerable and desperate to fit in. The effects of peer pressure are also the largest in this stage; this is solely due to the reason that the adolescence is most impressionable period in an individual’s life.
The notion about peer pressure has always been a negative one. However, contrary to that popular belief, peer pressure is not always negative. It helps the teen to perform better at school and they feel encouraged and interested to participate in different curricular activities. They eventually become focused in life and serious in building their careers.
Normal development of the child can be hinderedWhen a child feels blinded and makes directed choices, he is not using his discretionary powers. He grows up being used to this sort of behavior and fails to develop the habit of thinking with the use of his own intelligence.
This makes him dependent and vulnerable which naturally gets reflected in his personality in professional and personal life in later years.
Peer pressure is a fact and its existence needs to be accepted. Be accommodating, receptive and supportive to your teen and use your experience and intelligence to deal with situations.
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