June Wanza

The story of June Wanza Mulupi has left many shocked. This is after the mother of three suffered punctures in her intestines after undergoing a cosmetic procedure to enlarge her breasts. According to relatives, June complained of abdominal pains after a seemingly successful breast enlargement procedure.

She was the rushed to Nairobi Hospital where the doctors discovered that her intestines had been punctured during the cosmetic procedure. Her blood pressure was also very low and she had to be admitted at the Intensive Care Unit immediately. The medics however were not able to save her and she succumbed on Thursday, 7th June.

According to a family member, the cut intestines caused waste to leak into her blood stream causing a life-threatening infection called Sepsis. The Kenya Medical Practioners and Dentists Board (KMPD), has since identified the hospital where the botched operation took place as Surgeoderm Healthcare. The clinic is located along Theta Lane in Nairobi’s Kilimani area and has slick online advertisements detailing a range of cosmetic procedures that they offer.

June will be laid to rest on 16TH June 2018.

Shine on your way June.


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