Photo: Courtesy

In the past, my life was focused on what I didn't have and constantly complained about how the lack of things affected me. It never made sense to value what didn't benefit me directly and I did nothing to make deliberate choices that would make better my life. Basically, I neither counted my blessings nor knew what it meant to have blessings that didn't instantly change my life.

Of late, I have worked on improving a lot about me and appreciating the famed blessings that everyone is asked to count is a major thing I have striven to do. My life has really changed for the better since I started being thankful for the moments which make me smile; life, family, love, health, progressive friendships and the teensy goals that I achieve every day.

Through what I'm experiencing, I hope to make you understand why you need to be taking account of the good things in your life.

1. I'm happier

Being grateful for the times I get to smile, laugh and be at peace, has made me happy and cordial. I am happy because I chose to be so through setting my eyes on what makes me happy. So far, it has helped me stop getting negative energy from the challenges I face, the things I lack, the times I fail and even made me feel better about myself.

Never forget that true happiness begins with you. You don't need everything in this world to be happy and you shouldn't tie your happiness to people as they come and go. Start by treasuring your space and derive from it the things which will make you happy.

2. I'm able to see the good in others

Seeing anything exceptional in the other people was a task for me. I used to look out for what was not making them thrive, their flaws and all bad things about them. I guess I was like that because I didn't see anything good in me; and therefore expected the same from other people.

However, when I started acknowledging the good things in my life for instance all I do to realize my dreams, the steps I take to become a better person, the challenges I overcome, my strengths, uniqueness and myself as a human being; I started seeing the same in other people- their abilities, strengths, individuality, successes and fight to become better. If you have a problem with thinking highly of others, start with appreciating and seeing the good in yourself. It will make you emphatic and you will realize we are all the same but with different destinies and ways of getting there.

3. It has made me positive

Taking into account my blessings has taught me how to solve difficulties as opposed to complaining. When my loved ones have a problem, I now encourage them instead of showing how dire their situation is. I’m currently viewing challenges as an opportunity to learn in place of letting them discourage me; and I'm becoming better at getting over failure.

When you feel good about yourself and never stop taking note of it, you will always see the good in everything around you and that is what will carry you through the tough times.

4. I've known my value

For so long I have gone through life doing what people want and sticking to what the society deems right, forgetting that I ought to be listening to myself too since no one else knows me better than I do.

Appreciating myself, what I have and being positive has made me start taking care of everything about me; my body, heart, mind, time, conversations and even interactions. Knowing your value begins with you realizing and appreciating what gives you that value. Start thinking highly of the blessings you have: yourself, your strengths, journey, life, body and protect them from anything meant to destroy them.

5. I am focused on achieving my goals

Counting my blessings has made my heart lighter, I pick my burdens carefully, I try to stick to productive thoughts and all these give me a favorable environment to concentrate on going after what I want. Looking back, I would never have gotten to this point if I had continued focusing on what I don't have, what I have lost and my supposed limitations.

Choose to count your blessings even when you cannot find a reason to. You just being able to get through each day is a blessing, count yourself as a blessing to yourself. Do not over look your accomplishments just because no one knows them, they still are a blessing.

Life is not promised, be glad you have yours. Don't disregard your job; at the least you have something to get you the necessary experience as you find ways to a better one. Stop taking your partner for granted, their presence in your life is a blessing. Appreciate the friend who is always there for you even when it inconveniences them; they are a good thing in your life.

Never miss a moment to take account of the blessings that seem irrelevant just because they haven't drastically changed your life. Those little blessings always add up to your happiness, something everyone is running around looking for in the wrong places when they can just dig deep in themselves and find it.