This weekend, I ran out of moisturiser and when I went hit the skin care section, I was lost for choice. There were many different oils, lotions, gels and creams to choose from. I realised that choosing the right moisturiser can be quite confusing. My skin type changes from very dry to oily depending on the weather, my diet, and activity levels.

Follow these guidelines to choose the best moisturiser for you.

1. Know your skin type

To determine your skin type, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and water and pat dry. Wait at least 30 minutes (enough time to shower and dress) to give your face time to return to its natural state. Dab your face with a tissue. If your skin feels tight or flaky, then it is dry. If your skin is neither oily nor dry and is supple and smooth, then it is normal. If there is grease on the tissue, then your skin is oily. You have combination skin if you exhibit the traits of all the skin types mentioned above. You have sensitive skin if your face reacts to normal skin care products.

2. Read the labels

Normal/oily skin - choose a water-based moisturiser. Look for ingredients that end in ‘icone’ such as silicone, which suggests that the product is water-based. You want to use something that hydrates your skin without leaving a greasy feeling.

Sensitive skin - look for products with the word ‘hypoallergenic’ ‘perfume free’ or completely natural items such as coconut oil. Avoid products with ‘retinol’, ‘alcohol’ and ‘acids’ as these are too harsh for this skin type.

Dry skin - use products with collagen, Shea butter, glycerine, or hyaluronic acid.

3. Texture

Normal/oily skin - you would benefit from a product that is fluid and oil-free like a serum or gel. Avoid oils and creams as these will sit on your skin and result in an ‘oily’ appearance.

Dry skin - this skin type requires extra moisture and hydration which can be achieved by layering. First apply a serum on damp skin and leave it to set for about five minutes. Then apply a lotion or light cream. At night, use a heavier cream such as a night cream as these can penetrate the skin without environmental disturbance.

Combination skin - use a fluid lotion or gel, and augment the dry areas with a light cream.

Mature skin - look for products with hyaluronic acid which aids in cell repair. Use an anti-aging serum and then apply your moisturiser on top. Always use a regenerating night cream.

Whichever moisturiser you use, ensure it does not result in redness or a burning sensation. Moisturiser should be soothing to the skin. Apply it on damp skin as it will work better.

You may need two different types of moisturiser as the product you use during hot weather may not be as effective when used during the colder months of the year. Remember that daytime moisturisers are for protection, while night creams are for regeneration.


