There are many ways to decorate the windowsill:
Mini garden: The kitchen window is the best for this. Grow and create a mini garden around it by planting fresh herbs and spices that you can use throughout the year, and some fresh flowers. You can also have healing plants and floral arrangements to create a beautiful landscape.
Memories and antiques: Use this space as a memory mantle by displaying your collections and favourite pieces like candles. Antiques and cherished photographs of your children and your childhood memories are great pieces for this space. The decorations can be changed as the seasons change — Christmas themed pieces during Christmas and Easter-themed pieces for Easter.
Reflective pieces: Whatever you choose for your windowsill, opt for pieces that reflect light. Glass illuminates when light shines through it, especially if the glass is colourful, thus unique antique bottles are a great way to decorate your windowsill. Ensure, however, that the young ones get nowhere near them. Add water and colourful flowers to empty colourful bottles for an attractive display.
Natural finds: If you have collections found on nature walks such as seashells, stones and unique seed pods — the windowsill is the best place to store and display them. Arrange them in a visually appealing manner ensuring the most outstanding is placed at the centre to serve as a focal point. Buy a shallow glass bowl to display the shells that are too tiny to be displayed on their own.
Reading space: If you have large windowsills, turn them into reading spaces. Decorate them a bit to make the space look cosier. If it’s not big enough for a reading area, decorate it with your favourite books. You could also place toys for your children and turn it into their play area.
Function: Even as you place your pieces, ensure they are functional. Other than the reading space we have spoken of above, you could also turn your large windowsill into a window seat. Just get colourful cushions and some built in storage below it.
Scale: Remember that the way you arrange your items matters. Consider the height, colour and type of the items. Arrange those of the same height in a straight line, keeping the space between them the same. For a cozier look, pick pieces of varying sizes and arrange them haphazardly, keeping them close to each other. If you want to create some drama, a symmetrical approach where you work from the centre of the sill out, starting with short objects to tall ones will be a winner. Enjoy decorating your windowsill. Do not, however, clutter it to the point that you block the view.