A girl is with her man. A better man who has been wooing her for long is waiting for her to see she does not deserve her current man. She, however, fears starting a new relationship. That scenario plays in most of us, ladies. We rather convince ourselves that better the devil we know than the angel we don’t. At times what we fear embarking on is where our destiny lies. If we watered the same garden year in and out and there is no yielding, it is fair to walk to where the grass is greener. At times, the greener side is singlehood. Below are other reasons that make a girl push away a loving man for a current wolf:

1. Starting all over is daunting.

She invested her youthful years in the relationship. She is scared to leave him as he has been part of the good part of her life. Therefore it is unimaginable to start dating again.

2.  ‘Time is not on my side’.

Her family eyes her the look that suggests they are expecting her to start a family of her own. She has seen all her age mates getting married; the pressure is overwhelming. Although the man abuses her, she has to stay. She has to prove that she too is capable of the marital life.

3. She gets used to the hurting.

 It is no joke. There are girls who get used to the cheating, emotional and physical abuse, and unfair treatment. The man chases her out of his house and the next day she runs back to his door. She feels she cannot live without him yet if only she knew she is better off.

4. He made her believe no one can love her.

She has perfect lies planted in her head. Like how he is the best thing that happened to her. Before him, her life had no meaning. Without him, she cannot be happy. He never professed his love for her. She must not know it is him who needs her.

5. ‘He has done so much for me.’

This could be helping her get a job, finish her degree course, took her to dinner every night, send her money every month, et cetera. She cannot fail him by ending the relationship.

 6. We have dated for many years.

She does not want to put all those years they dated to waste. She has gone through a lot to reach where she is with him. Though it is not working, she can get through him. It is not worth giving up now.

7. ‘I can make him change.’

As it should now be known, no girl can change a man. She could be the inspiration to why he changed. But she cannot tell him how to change his ways and exactly do that- men hate being dictated on what to do. He might lie he changed and give a false image to make her stay.