How would you describe yourself?

I am a young leader who is focused and dedicated to changing this country. I am a family man and a humble businessman.

Give us a little glimpse into your childhood?

I grew up in Ollessos village in Nandi County. I was brought up in a family of six — four boys and two girls. I attended Cheplelachbei Primary School.

Did you ever think of becoming a politician during your childhood?

No. I wanted to be a doctor because my father is one.

 So when did you develop an interest in politics?

It started when I was a student at Kapsabet Boys’ High School. I was a smart boy, but I was never serious with my studies. I used to be number one even despite my cheekiness in class. I led three strikes while I was in high school. In Form One, I mobilized all students to engage in the first strike. I was suspended for a week.

You must have been a notorious student…

I just knew my rights. By the time I was in my third term, I was the ringleader of most strikes.

While in Form Three, my friends and I sneaked out of school to go have fun and we were subsequently suspended. I was later re-admitted.

In Form Four, I was expelled after harassing a cook who failed to give us food. I had to do my KCSE outside the school compound. But when the results came out, I was among the top students.

Were you involved in politics while in campus?

Yes I was. Before I joined Egerton University, Njoro campus, I used to frequent Moi University to visit my elder brother. It was then that I met Hassan Omar and he shaped my political ideology. I actually joined politics first before I joined campus.

 Your life in campus must have been quite interesting...

Oh yes it was. While in first year, I led a strike to oppose the then introduced parallel programme. Luckily, I was not suspended because I convinced the university management that I was not involved in the strike.

In second year, I was expelled after leading a strike to oppose school fees increment. Some custodian office was set on fire and I was accused of burning it. We moved to court to challenge the university but the administration withdrew the case before it was even heard. We were, therefore, reinstated . I was elected as the university’s union vice chair in third year and within the same year, I became the chair following the expulsion of the then chairman. Later on I was expelled after leading another strike that saw the university close down for a while.

 What were you up to during your suspension/expulsion?

In 2002, we formed Narc Youth Conference where we campaigned for former president Mwai Kibaki. All of us were either suspension or expulsion. We had a Memorandum of Understanding with Kibaki as young people that he would reinstate all of us to the university because we were under expulsion. He did so when he took over power.

What else were you engaged in during that period?

I went back to the village where I stayed for one year doing nothing constructive. After that, I moved to Nairobi where I engaged in business. I even worked as a matatu tout and at some point I managed Eastleigh number nine matatus. In 2007, I vied for the Starehe parliamentary seat but I lost it. In 2008, I joined University of Nairobi where I studied Political Science. I graduated in 2012 and I am currently pursuing a Masters Degree in International Relations at the same university.

Some people do not know that you are married…

I am a husband and a father of one. Joan has been my pillar and strength since I joined politics. We have been married for two years. Being married to a politician is not easy but she has remained steadfast by my side. I love my family and they always come first despite my busy schedule.

What do you do for fun?

I like traveling, adventure, nature, and reading autobiographies. I enjoy watching football with friends. I support AFC leopards in Kenya, Chelsea, and Barcelona.

Future plans?

My focus is to serve the people of Nandi Hills who elected me to be their member of parliament. I want to be the president of this country someday.

alfred keter; nandi hills mp; politics;