Adversity isn’t the end of the world (Photo: Shutterstock)

It’s no news that 2020 has brought with it more troubling news and happenings than the majority of us have experienced in our lifetimes. 

The coronavirus pandemic has ravaged the globe, leading to loss of lives and leaving many devastated in its wake. Many have lost their jobs and are consequently struggling to provide for their families. Relationships have been pushed to their limit and some have even come to an end. 

There’s also the mental toll that isolating and social distancing, and the uncertainty of the times has taken on many. 

If there’s one thing that 2020 has shown us it’s that we need to work on our mental strength to get us through adversity. If you’re wondering how to find strength in adversity, read on.

1. Remind yourself of what you have overcome in the past

One of my favourite songs is Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger. It’s a great reminder that you can overcome anything life throws at you.

It’s so easy to get so engrossed in our current troubles that we forget the ones we overcame in the past. But reminding yourself of what you’ve been through and what you did to make it through can help you find the strength you need to overcome any new challenges. Remember, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You made it through past adversities and you will make it through new ones.

2. Don’t give up

A few years ago I went through what, at the time, was the worst thing I had ever been through. I didn’t know how I would move forward. I had just come out of a toxic relationship that not only shook my confidence it also made me question everything I knew about myself. I remember refusing to let these adversities put me down. I became stubborn about finding healing and moving forward. I didn’t give up and although this year has shaken me almost in a similar manner, I know that adversity can be overcome if I put my mind to it. 

Adversity isn’t the end of the world. It’s an opportunity to get back on the right path, dream bigger dreams and accomplish your goals.

 Remind yourself of what you have overcome in the past (Photo: Shutterstock)

3. Focus on your goals

One of the things that has gotten me through 2020, aside from therapy and the occasional drink, are my goals. I have a list of things that I would like to achieve, in the long-term and short-term. 

While in the pursuit of your goals you face a setback, you might not be in the mental space to remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. But reminding yourself of what you want will give you the strength to face adversity and keep on working.

4. Look at your strengths

Many of us have a difficult time seeing the good in ourselves but making a habit out of reminding yourself of your strengths will give you the motivation you need to weather the storms. 

Be confident in yourself and your talents and this will see you through adversity and lead you closer to, if not at, your goals.

5. Keep a positive attitude

This might seem impossible in the heat of the moment but it is doable. Whenever you are faced with adversity, look on the bright side. A positive attitude will give you the strength you need to overcome any mishaps. It will also boost your determination not to let the situation put you down. 

 Laughter will help improve your mood (Photo: Shutterstock)

6. Laugh about the situation

Laughter releases endorphins and dopamine which are feel-good hormones. These help to improve your mood, making it easier to handle stress and anxiety. It also helps bolster a positive attitude. 

Make a habit of looking beyond the situation that is presented to you and find the humour in it. If you can’t imagine how you’d laugh in the face of adversity, start by watching or reading some comedy. 

7. Consider the opportunities adversity presents you

One thing I have learned is that there’s something to be gained in all circumstances, even the difficult ones. It can offer an opportunity to look at areas of your life you need to improve. If you were working towards a goal and you faced an obstacle, you have the chance to reconsider your process, see where you went wrong and redo it.

Adversity might also be the chance you need to grow in resilience since it allows you to face your fears head-on. 

8. Prepare yourself mentally

Even though we’re all striving to have a positive outlook towards life, it doesn’t hurt to prepare ourselves in case things don’t work out as we had hoped. 

I heard a saying once, prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Think about worst-case scenarios and, instead of worrying about them, think about how you would handle them. This will help you prepare beforehand and should the worst happen, you will be calmer and able to think rationally. It also helps build your mental strength.

Mental Health;Mental Strength;Adversity