Contraceptives continue to remain a touchy topic with no direct answer as to whether they truly pose health dangers. With a myriad of benefits and reasons why you should be using one, rarely do women get to hear about the risks and dangers of these pills.

Birth control pills work by preventing ovulation thus there is no egg produced for the sperm to fertilize and pregnancy cannot occur. This results in an abnormal cycle because the contraceptives impose synthetic hormones on your natural cycle.

Encouraged by the age of child bearing women mostly in the western countries, worldwide use of contraceptives continues to grow albeit inherent dangers.

Below are eight dangers contraceptives pose.

Yeast infection

This usually occurs when the pill destroys the good bacteria in your body making it more prone to yeast growth, lower immunity, and infections.

Increased risk of blood clotting

Contraceptives are full of hormones including estrogen which according to studies seem to increase clotting factors in the blood hence making clots more likely to occur and subsequent strokes. This risk is even higher on overweight women.


This is a risk when using Intra-Uterine Devices better known as IUD when it due to irritation in the uterine wall which causes it to lose its characteristic of receiving the fertilized ovum.

Change in blood pressure

Women taking birth control pills usually have a small increase in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure although readings usually remain within the normal range. Blood pressure should be closely monitored for several months after a women start taking oral contraceptives and followed yearly thereafter.

Heart disease

Long-term use of pills has been associated with increased plaque buildup in your arteries raising your risk of suffering from a heart problem.

Low sex desire

Women who use contraceptives experience decreased interest in sex, decreased the ability to achieve orgasms and increased pain during sexual intercourse. This is because the pill may interfere with a protein that keeps testosterone unavailable leading to long-term sexual dysfunction including decreased desire and arousal.

Thinner bones

Studies have shown that women who use contraceptives have lower bone mineral density (BMD) than those who have never used.

Risk of cancer

Birth control pills can lead to breast and cervical cancer. This is due to them producing high levels of estrogen and progesterone.

