The common way they rationalize their habit of not reading is by dismissing anything that can be read

There’s something more tragic than all the genocides that ever happened in this world: a man who doesn’t read. How in God’s earth do some women take such men seriously?

It goes without saying that a man who doesn’t take time to refresh his mind is limited knowledge wise. He is as flat as traditional vegetables without lye.

If you walk into a man’s house and there are no books, newspapers or any evidence of reading, kindly have a headache. That is the time when a woman is allowed to use all tricks in the book so that she cannot be laid no matter how kind, well dressed and rich the man may be.

Much as it may sound proud, it is very gross to be intimate with a man who doesn’t read. Come to think of it, what interesting thing will he say?

If the only books he has read were the high school set books, you need to rethink your decision. A man who doesn’t read is not a leader. His way of handling issues will be clumsy and devoid of strong convictions and great knowledge. A home and a stable relationship needs a leader, where will he get those qualities?

It is common that the noisiest of all men are those who don’t read. Their grasp of the social, political, economic and religious issues of people around the world is limited. It is worse if you have to live with them for the rest of your life. They will never understand why many books and kindergarten playing toys need to be bought.

The common way they rationalize their habit of not reading is by dismissing anything that can be read. They wonder how reading is important. In case you don’t know, a big percentage of chauvinists are the men who don’t read.

Had they interacted with various literature, they would have learned eons ago that chauvinism has no place in our modern society. Why would a woman waste her time with such a man?

Many women melt like butter on a hot stove when a man brings presents like perfumes, a new dress or that expensive bottle of wine. A woman will never forget a man who brings them a book.

An adult who reads will tell you for free that it is interesting to critique a book with a romantic partner. They will tell you that talking about wine and alcohol is vanity. They will add that men who don’t read are not good company like those who read.

lady speak