There are basically two categories of sugars. We have the good sugars that are found it healthy foods and fruits, and then we have the processed sugars.
Either way, too much of both could have dire consequences on your health.
What you consume has a direct effect on how you look and feel so it’s always best to practice moderation or cut off processed sugars entirely.
Well, cutting off sugar is easier said than done but when you consume too much of it, your body has a way of telling you that you should slow down.
Here are some of the signs that your body gives that might mean you’ve been taking too much of that sweet stuff of late.
BreakoutsYour skin is one of the first organs to react when something is off. It dries up when you haven’t been hydrating enough and experiences breakouts when you’ve been taking too much of something. With that said, your breakouts might be a sign that you’ve been consuming a lot of sugar. The most commonly affected areas related to sugar intake are the chin and mouth area.
Digestive problemsYour gut is also able to give you warning signs. A healthy digestive system is not likely to experience bloating, constipation or even diarrhea. If you notice that you are experiencing digestion related issues, you could be taking too many sugary foods.
Yeast infectionThis is also another common indicator of too much sugar intake in the system. As soon as you surpass your requirements, you can start to feel uncomfortable especially if you’re prone to getting yeast infections. You might be wondering why you’re struggling with these types of infections and seeking medication all the time. A common culprit is sugar.
Premature ageingSpeaking of skin, it can also be trying to tell you something if you’ve been noticing fine lines and wrinkles from premature ageing. Sugar has a way of destroying your skin’s elasticity and healthy cells so keeping your intake low and moderate is the best solution. Creams won’t be able to do much when the problem is inside.
Sneaky weight gainMaintaining a healthy body weight is something that doctors always recommend. There are many benefits of taking fitness seriously including keeping illnesses at bay. Sometimes, unfortunately, you end up gaining weight for reasons that aren’t so direct. After spending countless days in the gym and doing so many exercises it’s shocking to see some added weight when that wasn’t your initial goal. More often than not, we don’t realize how much weight comes with sugar. Keep it at bay and you’ll avoid gaining any unwanted weight.
Sweet toothThe more sugar you take, the more you crave. This means that once you start consuming too much it could be harder to quit in the long run. Experts say that sugar is quite addictive and this has proven to be true. Constantly craving more sodas, cakes and other sweet things is a huge indicator that you need to cut down.
Sleep problemsOur bodies need proper sleep to function. It’s not a matter of just getting two hours and expecting to wake up feeling fresh and motivated. Studies have shown that adults need at least nine hours of uninterrupted sleep for maximum productivity. When you consume too much sugar, your body gets unnecessary energy boosts. Consuming a lot of it before bed especially, makes it harder for you to fall asleep and even cause sleep interruptions. This will mean that you’re not able to get the full hours of rest that your body needs so you’re bound to feel exhausted even when you just woke up. Avoid this by always monitoring your intake especially before bedtime.