Diabetes occurs when your body is unable to effectively transport sugar from the blood into the cells (Photo: Shutterstock)

When your body can't effectively transport sugar from blood into cells, you have high blood sugar which leads to diabetes. It's possible to lower it with these tips. 

Control your carbs intake 

 Eating too much carbohydrate can put a strain on the process of breaking them down (Photo: Shutterstock)

Your body is made in a way where it breaks down the carbs you consume into sugars which is usually into glucose after which the insulin in your body moves the sugars into cells. A person eating too many carbs is highly likely to make this breaking down process fail and your blood sugar shoots. To curb this, try your best to adapt to a carb-free lifestyle. The keto diet for instance ensures you cut down your carbs. 

Drink water 

 Drinking enough water helps your kidneys get rid of excess blood sugar (Photo: Shutterstock)

Water is not only meant to be what keeps you hydrated, but it also helps your kidneys flush out the excess blood sugar through urine. Keep in mind that, this simple solution doesn't mean that you should drink excess water. This is probably the fastest way to ensure your blood sugar is low. With a scheduled injection your blood sugar will be brought back to a manageable level in a matter of minutes. 

Exercise regularly

 Regular exercise helps keep your weight in check (Photo: Shutterstock)

High sugar levels puts you at risk of gaining weight, therefore exercising regularly will ensure that you keep your weight in check and your insulin sensitivity high. When you are highly sensitive to insulin, your body’s cells are better placed to use the sugar already in your bloodstream. The energy used when exercising as well as when your muscles are contracting comes from blood sugar. Note that, it is very important to consult your doctor on the safe exercise to pursue.

Manage your stress levels

 Stress can result in high blood sugar levels (Photo: Shutterstock)

Stress not only affects your mood, but it also has a high effect on your blood sugar levels. When you are stressed you secrete hormones such as cortisol and glucagon that cause blood sugar to shoot up. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation and exercise to reduce your stress and bring down your sugar levels.

Eat more fibrous foods 

 Soluble fibre helps lower blood sugar levels (Photo: Shutterstock)

You should know that there are two kinds of fiber: insoluble and soluble. The soluble fiber specifically has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and includes fruits and vegetables. 

Apple cider vinegar helps 

 Add apple cider vinegar to your salad dressing to help manage blood sugar levels (Photo: Shutterstock)

Taking apple cider vinegar assists to lower blood sugar levels, through decreasing its production by the liver or increasing its use by cells. You can add it to salad dressings or mix 2 teaspoons in 8 ounces of water then drink religiously for better results. 

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